Scoot Air TR 457 from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore (KUL-SIN)

SCOOT AIR….Low Cost Carrier (LCC) from Singapore, which its stocks are owned by Singapore Airlines.

Scoot Air TR457 flight path. Source from

Scoot is 22nd airlines which I have ever used. Through flight number TR 457 on regular route Kuala Lumpur (KUL) to Singapore (SIN), I firstly used Scoot Air service on March 31st, 2018. On that time, I boarded an Airbus A320 aircraft with 168 passengers in capacity.

Even though I ever used Tiger Mandala Airlines on November 26th, 2013 while heading to Bangkok and Tiger Air on January 11st, 2015 when I returned from Vietnam. Now the two airlines have merged into Scoot Air.

Look that ! Tiger Air identity in Scoot Air TR 457 plane.

Ambiguity of terminal where I would depart (whether from KLIA terminal 1 or KLIA terminal 2) made me a little nervous because departure list usually publishes 2 hours before flight. And of course, it takes time to move from KLIA2 to KLIA.

For international flights, I always start towards airport on 4 hours before flight time. So I left Westree Hotel on 05:30 and rushed to Skybus/Aerobus shelter which located in KL Sentral. Because distance from hotel to shelter is only 40 m, I only needed to walk for 3 minutes towards shelter.

Indian descent hotel security sharply watched me in inner door of lobby….Because I stood for a long time in middle of lobby door….I was seriously watching around….So quiet, I had to make sure that there wasn’t suspicious thing along road which I would pass towards KL Sentral.

Yesss….There aren’t any people on road….Fast walking. Like an racewalking athlete, I started to stay away from hotel. I arrived in shelter when bus was ready to leave.

With USD 3.1, I arrived at KLIA2 on 6:30. I immediately headed to information center to ask about terminal where TR457 would take off. On early morning, I disturbed information center officer with some questions because departure board didn’t display yet an information about TR457, so She had to pull keyboard and searching information for me….very kindly officer.

God… eyes glared while chewing Nasi Lemak (original food from Malaysia) with fried egg in corner of NZ Curry House….Look like a goat which was ruminating. It was a sign that I wasn’t ready to get early breakfast.

Yes, there wasn’t other choice, it was better to have breakfast in Indian restaurant with cheapest price before heading to 3rd floor for check-in, immigration and departure processes.

Departure Board in Departure Hall
Information Centre in Departure Hall
Departure Hall Area
Check-in counter no Z2-Z3 for Scoot Air TR457.
After passing immigration counter, I headed to waiting room at gate L3.

I entered waiting room on 08:05. In boredom of waiting, Vietnamese came to me and ask something:

Vietnamese: “Hi, Can you explain to me about my cigarette (while showing a pack of cigarettes which have been smoked two stumps). Can I bring it when entering Singapore?

Me : “Do you bring another one  or just this opened pack?. If you just bring it, you can savely entering Singapore.

Vietnamese: “No, I just bring it. So it’s savely. Thanks you.

Me: “You are welcome”.

Waiting room in front of gate L3.
After waiting for 20 minutes, finally boarding process begins.
Where was seat 14D?

Scoot Air is identical with yellow. The charm of young air crews was very fresh when their appeaybrance is clad in yeloow t-shirt and shallow.

Fly over Malacca Strait
The sky is really clear, very comfort to fly without turbulence.

After fllying about 1 hour and 15 minutes, I landed at Changi International Airport Terminal 2. Trying to leave Changi as soon as possible to go to Greendili Backpackers Hostel in Race Course Road and then ready to explore Singapore for 7th time.

Searching MRT map before entering Changi International Airport immigration counter.
Catch the MRT ! towards downtown.

Let’s go to Mustafa Center for lunch before exploring.

Scoot Air TR457 dari Kuala Lumpur ke Singapura (KUL-SIN)

SCOOT AIR….maskapai Low Cost Carrier (LCC) milik Negeri Singa yang kepemilikan sahamnya dikuasai oleh Singapore Airlines.

Lintasan terbang Scoot Air TR457. Sumber dari

Scoot sendiri masuk list ke-22 dari seluruh maskapai yang pernah kunaiki. Melalui nomor penerbangan TR457 dengan rute regular Kuala Lumpur (KUL) ke Singapura (SIN), Aku pertama kali menggunakan jasa Scoot Air  tertanggal 31 Maret 2018. Kali ini Aku menaiki pesawat berjenis Airbus A320 dengan kapasitas 168 penumpang.

Walaupun sebenarnya Aku pernah menggunakan Maskapai  Tiger Mandala pada 26 November 2013 saat menuju ke Bangkok dan Tiger Air pada 11 Januari 2015 saat kembali dari Vietnam. Kini kedua maskapai tersebut sudah merger ke dalam Maskapai Scoot Air.

Tuh kan sudah merger, masih ada identitas Tiger Air di badan pesawat Scoot Air TR457

Ketidakjelasan terminal asal keberangkatan (apakah dari KLIA terminal 1 atau KLIA terminal 2) membuatku sedikit gelisah karena biasanya Departure List baru keluar 2 jam sebelum penerbangan. Dan tentu perlu waktu untuk berpindah dari KLIA2 ke KLIA.

Untuk penerbangan internasional, Aku selalu memulai perjalanan menuju bandara 4 jam sebelum waktu penerbangan. Jadi Aku meninggalkan Westree Hotel pada pukul 05:30 dan bergegas menuju ke Skybus/Aerobus Shelter yang terletak di KL Sentral. Karena jaraknya cuma 40 m, Aku hanya perlu berjalan kaki selama 3 menit menuju shelter.

Security hotel keturunan India tajam memerhatikanku di pintu lobby bagian dalam….Lha iya, Aku berdiri lama ditengah pintu….clingak-clinguk kiri kanan kaya ayam mau nyebrang….Saking sepinya, Aku harus memastikan tak ada yang mencurigakan di sepanjang jalan yang akan kulewati menuju KL Sentral.

Yesss….Sepi, ndak ada orang….Kabuuurrrrrr. Bak atlit jalan cepat, Aku mulai menjauhi hostel. Aku tiba saat bus siap berangkat.

Dengan 12 Ringgit aku tiba di KLIA2 pada pukul 6:30. Setiba di KLIA2, Aku segera menuju information centre untuk menanyakan dimana terminal TR457 akan lepas landas. Pagi-pagi Aku sudah ngrepotin Si mbak India petugas information centre, karena Departure Board belum menampilkan informasi tentang TR457 maka Dia harus menarik keyboard dan mencarikan info untukku….Hadeuhhh, sudah manis….baik pulak si teteh….eh, si mbak.

Buseeettt….mataku melotot sambil mengunyah nasi lemak telur ceplok di pojokan NZ Curry House….kek kambing yang sedang memamah biak. Pertanda Aku tak bisa membohongi otak bahwa perutku belum siap bersarapan.

Ya memang tak ada pilihan lain, lebih baik sarapan di kedai makan India dengan harga paling murah sebelum menuju ke lantai 3 untuk proses check-in, proses imigrasi dan keberangkatan.

Departure Board di Departure Hall
Information Centre di Departure Hall
Departure Hall Area
Konter check-in Z2-Z3 untuk Scoot Air TR457
Setelah melewati konter imigrasi, Aku menuju ke ruang tunggu di gate L3.

Aku memasuki ruang tunggu pada pukul 08:05. Dalam kejenuhan menunggu, datang kepadaku wajah Vietnamese dan bertanya:

Vietnamese: “Hi, Can you explain to me about my cigarette (sambil menunjukkan sebungkus rokok yang sudah terhisap dua puntung). Can me bring it when entering Singapore?”

Aku : “Do you bring another one  or just this opened pack?. If you just bring it, you can savely entering Singapore.”

Vietnamese: “No, I just bring it. So it’s savely. Thanks you.”

Aku: “You are welcome”.

Ruang Tunggu di depan Gate L3
Setelah menunggu selama 20 menit, akhirnya boarding process dimulai.
Mana 14D….manaaaaa?

Scoot Air identik dengan warna kuning. Pesona pramugari-pramugara muda keturunan Tiongkok semakin segar ketika penampilan mereka terlihat berbalut t-shirt dan syall serba kuning.

Terbang diatas selat Malaka
Langit sungguh cerah, nikmat banget terbang tanpa turbulensi.

Setelah mengudara selama 1 jam 15 menit, Aku mendarat di Terminal 2 Changi International Airport. Berusaha secepat mungkin meninggalkan Changi untuk menuju ke Greendili Backpackers Hostel di bilangan Race Course Road dan selanjutnya siap mengeksplorasi Singapore untuk ke-7 kalinya.

Cari peta MRT sebelum masuk konter imigrasi Changi International Airport.
Catch the MRT ! Menuju pusat kota

Makan siang dulu yuk ke Mustafa Centre sebelum walking-walking.

Sebagai alternatif, tiket pesawat, kereta dan bus dari Kuala Lumpur ke Singapura bisa dipesan melaui e-commerce perjalanan 12go Asia