Citilink QG 126 dari Jakarta (HLP) ke Solo (SOC)

Rute penerbangan QG 126 (sumber:

Menjadi seorang Ketua Kepanitiaan semasa kuliah….Sudah biasa.

Lalu berlanjut menjadi Ketua Kepanitiaan untuk acara kantor….Juga sudah biasa.

Dua-duanya sama-sama pusing dan melelahkan.

Nah, ini beda….

Kalau kamu disuruh jadi Ketua Kepanitiaan di kantor, tapi isi acaranya adalah jalan-jalan dan makan-makan. Apakah kamu pernah?…..Hahaha.

Yiiyyyy, inilah kisahku…..Aku mengalaminya….Sungguh nyata dan meyenangkan. Ini kisahku kala bersepak terjang menjadi Ketua Kepanitiaan Marketing Conference di kantor. So….Mari jalan-jalan, mari senang-senang!.

Sebagai Ketua Panitia, maka aku berkewajiban melakukan survey lapangan sebelum acara sesungguhnya digelar. Aku melakukannya tiga bulan sebelum acara itu dimulai. Kini, aku akan melakukan survey bersama Wakil Ketua Panitia menuju kota  tujuan acara….Solo.

Minggu sore, hanya dengan menenteng ransel kecil, sekitar pukul 13:30,  aku menggunakan jasa taksi online menuju Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport untuk mengejar “maskapai hijau”. Pesawatku akan terbang pukul 16:00, jadi aku sudah memiliki jeda waktu yang cukup, berkisar dua jam sebelum boarding.

Sore itu adalah awal dari hari kejepit nasional, Minggu sore adalah keberangkatanku, senin masihlah hari kerja tetapi aku diizinkan untuk tak masuk kantor dan lusa adalah hari libur nasional. Tiga hari ke depan tak akan kusia-siakan waktu untuk melakukan survey demi keperluan acara, sekaligus melakukan eksplorasi kota.

Tiba di Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport.
Boarding pass menuju Solo telah siap.
Duduk manis sambil membaca inflight magazine “Linkers”.

Tugasku mudah sekali kali ini. Tak akan jauh-jauh dari:  survey ruangan dan food test di Swiss-Belinn Saripetojo Solo, survey kereta wisata Jaladara, bertemu Artcoustic Band, surey beberapa tempat bersejarah, menentukan tempat berburu oleh-oleh terbaik dan tentu saja mencari dan mencicipi kuliner terbaik “Kota Batik” untuk ditetapkan sebagai tujuan wisata kuliner….Widih, keren.

Tak terbayangkan sudah sungguh nikmatnya trip ini, karena aku tak perlu keluar uang sepeserpun, semua biaya akan ditanggung oleh kantorku bekerja. Hanya saja kali ini sang Wakil Ketua yang orang Bandung, bernama Rahadian, adalah seorang aerophobia, sehingga dia bersikeras memilih menggunakan kereta api dari Bandung menuju Solo. Jadi, skenerionya adalah, aku akan tiba di Solo di sore ini, sedangkan Rahadian akan menyusulku esok hari ke hotel.

Aku sendiri tiba di Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport pukul  dua siang lebih lima belas menit, menyempatkan diri berkeliling untuk mengenal bandara itu. Aku baru melakukan check-in setengah jam kemudian.

Berjalan di apron Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport selalu menjadi hal yang mengesankan bagiku. Aku bisa menikmati dengan begitu dekatnya pesawat yang akan kunaiki tepat dari sepasang kaki besi raksasanya. Tak jarang, pesawat berbadan besar lain melintas tepat di sebelah ekor pesawat dengan begitu elegan tapi tetap saja meninggalkan aroma bising yang dihasilkan oleh kedua mesin jetnya.

Tepat pukul 16:00, aku terduduk di window seat bernomor 18F. Momen duduk di window seat, bagiku adalah aktivitas terencana yang kupersiapkan sebelum terbang. Sehingga bangku itu pasti akan kukuasai. Pemandangan indah di angkasa adalah alasannya.

Penerbangan sore itu  berlangsung dengan baik, tak ada turbulensi berarti. Saking jernihnya langit, dua muka gunung berapi di tanah jawa terlihat dengan sangat jelas. Sementara Alto Cumulus banyak ditemui sepanjang rute penerbangan ini.

Indahnya gunung itu.
Bak kapas di angkasa.
Apakah itu gunung Merapi?
Touchdown Solo.
Merapat di apron milik Adi Sumarmo International Airport.

Airbus A320 twin jet itu melaju dengan kecepatan 305 mph menempuh jarak 371 mil hanya dalam waktu 55 menit. Penerbangan cepat yang cukup indah.

Pukul 17:12 roda “Si Hijau”menyentuh run-off Adi Sumarmo International Airport dengan sangat mulus.

Terimakasih Citilink. Saatnya mengeksplorasi Solo.

Alternatif untuk tiket pesawat dari Jakarta ke Solo bisa dicari di 12Go atau link berikut:

Kisah Selanjutnya—->

Citilink QG 145 dari Semarang (SMG) ke Jakarta (HLP)

<—-Kisah Sebelumnya

Rute penerbangan Citilink QG 145. Sumber:

Titan mentraktirku makan siang sebelum tiba di hotel. Seporsi nasi pecel di dekat SMAN 1 Semarang. Kemudian dia juga membekaliku Bandeng Presto khas Semarang untuk dibawa pulang ke Jakarta. Wah, baik sekali teman saya yang satu ini.

Sebelum benar-benar check-out, Titan yang penasaran tentang bagaimana caraku memilih penginapan murah, ikut bersamaku ke ruangan dormitory. Diperhatikannya lekat-lekat ruangan dormitory beserta kapsul-kapsul tidurnya. “Hebat kamu Don, bisa tidur di kapsul seperti ini”, ungkapnya sambil tersenyum. “Di luar negeri aku juga melakukan hal yang sama, Titan. Itu mengapa aku bisa traveling dengan biaya yang murah”, jawabku sambil berbisik.

Toyota Calya berwarna orange metallic, menjemputku di Sleep & Sleep Capsule. Serentak aku berpamitan dengan Titan untuk meninggalkan Semarang. Terimakasih Titan.

Pukul 15:25 aku sudah tiba di bandara. Tanpa basa-basi dan eksplorasi, aku bergegas menuju ke konter check-in. Aku hanya berjarak empat puluh lima menit dari boarding time. Konter yang tak terlalu ramai membuatku bisa menyelesaikan proses check-in hanya dalam lima belas menit dan akhirnya boarding pass sudah digenggaman….Aman.

Aku terus fokus menuju ke waiting room dengan cepat. Kini aku hanya berjarak tiga puluh menit menuju penerbangan pulang. Dan tepat lima belas menit sebelum boarding, aku sudah mencapai waiting room dan duduk terengah. Tak lama menikmati keelokan ruangan tunggu itu, panggilan dari ground staff untuk bersiap terbang pun menggema. Aku kini bersiap di Gate 3A untuk memasuki kabin pesawat.

Tiket menuju Jakarta.
Interior kabin Citilink QG 145. Terduduk di bangku bernomor 10A.

Kini aku sudah duduk di bangku yang sesuai dengan nomornya di boarding pass. Aku bersiap menuju Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport yang berjarak 394 Km dari Ahmad Yani International Airport. Aku akan mengudara bersama selongsong terbang Airbus A320 dengan ketinggian maksimal 26.000 kaki, dengan kecepatan 520 mph dan waktu tempuh 53 menit.

Selama proses boarding, aku terus menikmati keindahan terminal penumpang baru milik Ahmad Yani International Airport dari jendela pesawat. Tampak pesawat hilir mudik datang dan pergi di sisi kiri pesawat yang kunaiki. Langit tampak mendung, pertanda aku harus siap mengalami sedikit guncangan sesaat setelah take-off nanti.

Waktu yang dinanti tiba, pesawat sudah bersiap di landas pacu dan menunggu izin untuk menggeber mesin jetnya menuju udara. Aku hanya sibuk membaca inflight magazine Linkers milik maskapai Citilink. Perlahan pesawat mulai melaju dan menampilan keseluruhan bentuk bandara dari ujung ke ujung. Cantik nian Ahmad Yani International Airport.

Pesawat ATR milik Wings Air.
Air Asia tujuan manakah itu?.
Bangunan terminal beserta ATC Ahmad Yani International Airport saat take-off.

Sebelum menembus gumpalan awan tebal diatas, penerbangan ini sempat secara cepat menampilkan keindahan pantai utara Semarang. Perpaduan awan gelap dengan sinar matahari berwarna oranye yang menembus sela-sela awan dipadu dengan birunya laut dengan rayapan-rayapan kapal di sekitar pelabuhan…Hmmhh, Semarang yang sangat otentik.

Getaran mulai terasa ketika pesawat ingin menstabilkan ketinggian terbangnya. Tetapi setelahnya langit kembali bersih dan menampakkan keindahan dari ketinggian. Sore itu aku tak mau memejamkan mata dan melewatkan pertunjukan langit yang menakjubkan itu.

Pesisir utara Semarang….Wouww aduhai.
Matahari versi langit dan Matahari versi laut….Indah bukan?.
Pilot sangat mahir menghindari kumpulan awan….Penerbangan yang mulus.

Penerbangan yang benar-benar terasa sangat singkat. Citilink mulai merendahkan diri diatas langit ibukota. Mempertontokan daratan Bekasi yang sangat padat. Beberapa ikon kota tampak jelas terlihat dari atas. Stadion Patriot Candrabhaga yang pernah kusambangi saat pertandingan Piala Presiden antara Bali United dan Semen Padang FC hanya demi melihat sosok Irfan Bachdim lebih dekat.

Sedangkan pemandangan lain adalah jalur LRT yang sedang dibangun di sepanjang ruas tol Cikampek, terlihat sangat elok. Itulah jalur yang kulewati hampir setiap hari sepanjang profesiku menjadi tenaga penjual di Ibukota.

Stadion Patriot Chandrabhaga tampak dari ketinggian.
Konstruksi jalur LRT yang sedang dalam proses pengerjaan.

Citilink QG 145 mendarat di Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport dengan sangat mulus. Seperti biasa penumpang akan turun dan berjalan kali di area apron menuju ke bangunan utama terminal. Aku bergegas menuju conveyor belt untuk mengambil bagasi dan kemudian pulang menggunakan ojek onlie menuju rumah.

Menuruni pesawat di area apron.
Beberapa pemunpang menunggu kehadiran Apron Free Shuttle Bus. Aku lebih memilih berjalan kaki saja.

Pernerbangan indah kesekian kali bersama Citilink. Terimakasih Citilink.

Alternatif untuk tiket pesawat dari Semarang ke Jakarta bisa dicari di 12Go atau link berikut:


Mengenal Ahmad Yani International Airport

<—-Kisah Sebelumnya

Free business trip kali ini kumulai dengan sangat mendadak dan berbekal ala kadarnya. Yang terpenting barang kesayangan tak tertinggal….Tak lain adalah Canon EOS M10 warna hitam. Selain perbekalan, itinerary juga tak pernah tersusun sebelum berangkat. Empat hari ke depan aku akan menjadi “Si Bolang” yang bermain sesuka hati.

Ketika Citilink mulai take-off meninggalkan Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport, aku pun tak pernah memikirkan apapun perihal Ahmad Yani International Airport. Memoriku masih sama tentangnya. Sederhana, tak besar, ruang tunggu yang langsung bertatap muka dengan moncong pesawat ketika parkir. Begitulah lembaran ingatan yang tersusun rapi dalam cabinet otakku. Bagaimanapun, beberapa tahun lalu, Ahmad Yani International Airport berperan besar dalam melepas landaskan penerbangan pertama kalinya dalam sejarah hidupku.

Oh ternyata…..

Ini berbeda, sungguh menakjubkan”, gumamku ketika mengintipnya melalui jendela saat QG 144 sedang taxiing menuju apron.

Benar adanya, Ahmad Yani International Airport yang berkode IATA “SRG” ini sudah mentransformasi dirinya menjadi super elegan. Aku diturunkan bersebelahan parkir dengan “Maskapai Singa Merah”. Melangkah dibawah sayap raksasa, tampak bangunan utama terminal menampilkan hamparan jendela kaca yang memamerkan pilar-pilar besar di dalamnya. Cahaya surya tampak menembus sempurna seisi ruangan dalam bangunan berkaca itu.

Mari memasuki bangunan terminal.

Aspal pada jalur kendaraan bandara pun masih terlihat sangat hitam dan halus, pertanda lintasan ini belum lama digunakan. Rambu-rambu yang menempel di aspal masih putih sempurna. Tembok terminal masih berwarna krem menyala.

A. Arrival

Aku memasuki koridor arrival hall menuju ke area baggage claim. Lantai yang masih mengkilat memantulkan cahaya lampu dalam pola yang teratur, ruangan kaca disebelah kiri masih berstatus underconstruction sedangkan sisi kanan koridor sudah beroperasi beberapa toilet, lift, dan musholla. Beberapa rak berisi pot-pot bunga sepatu memperindah sudut-sudut ruangan.

Koridor menuju baggage claim area.
Baggage claim area.

Beberapa konter baggage service milik beberapa maskapai masih tampak tutup, mungkin maskapai yang bersangkutan belum beroperasi di terminal ini.

Setelah melalui baggage claim area, deretan konter penyedia informasi telah dipersiapkan seperti Tourist Information Center, BP3TKI, money changer dan perusahaan persewaan mobil TRAC. Sementara antara bangunan utama dan ruas jalan untuk keluar-masuk bandara dipisahkan oleh hamparan air. Ya, aku kini sedang berada di terminal terapung seluas 7 hektar yang didirikan diatas rawa.

Area pintu keluar diletakkan di bawah sebuah koridor berkanopi dan berangka balok baja  bercat putih. Koridor ini menghubungkan arrival hall dan commercial zone bandara. Keberadaan kolam, umbrella shade dengan kursi-kursi dibawahnya dan taman tertanam pohon bertinggi sedang dengan sebaran berpola menjadikan penampakan area pintu keluar menjadi sangat apik. Di sinilah para penjemput menunggu kedatangan tamu atau sanak saudara mereka yang baru saja mendarat.

Pintu keluar.
Area taman.

Begitu melewati pintu keluar terdapatlah photospot area dengan background presiden Joko Widodo yang sedang mengontel sepeda kebo. Dilanjutkan dengan keberadaan toilet, nursery room, money changer, musholla dan ATM area.

Musholla setelah pintu keluar.
Koridor dengan sederet ATM beberapa bank.

Layar airpot digital clock sudah menunjukkan pukul 17:09, ketika aku memasuki commercial zone. Tampak dua meja customer service dominan hijau diletakkan sejajar dengan exit gate. Sedangkan bangku bangku tunggu berselang-seling warna hitam merah melingkari setiap pilar-pilar utama bangunan terminal serta berjajar di beberapa sisi dinding yang kosong. Beberapa spot foto berada di pojok bangunan, sedangkan departure and arrival flight information LCD menguasai zona tengah sehingga mudah diakses oleh semua penumpang dan pengunjung bandara.

Konter customer service.

Area commercial zone sudah ditempati beberapa brand ternama seperti X-Side Eat, A&W, Kukomart, Bank BNI, Eaten Kopi Tiam dan brand lainnya.

Keluar dari commerzial zone building, aku disambut oleh koridor ganda yang dipisahkan oleh jalur kendaraan roda empat. Ini zona taksi dan drop and pickup zone. Koridor ini tampak rapi dengan tiang tiang bulat dan beratapkan spandek.Sementara di bawah naungan, disusunlah kursi tunggu di sepanjang koridor. Aku sendiri memilih moda transportasi taksi menuju pusat kota, mengingat ini adalah business trip yang semua biayanya ditanggung oleh kantor tempatku bekerja.

B. Departure

Tiga hari berselang, aku menyambangi kembali bandara ini untuk pulang ke ibukota. Taksi online menurunkanku di tempat yang sama ketika aku meninggalkan bandara saat tiba di hari pertama. Aku menginjakkan kaki di drop and pickup zone lalu bergegas mencari check-in area di dalam bangunan terminal.

Tiba di drop and pickup zone.

Memasuki commercial zone, aku terus melaluinya saja, banyak calon penumpang yang nampak bersantai di area ini, baik di area umum atau menyantap makanan di  beberapa coffee shop. Begitu keluar dari commercial zone aku memasuki area beratap transparan bertiang baja dengan dua layar check-in information LCD, sementara di sisi kanan tersaji geladak kayu dengan sejumlah pot palem diatasnya sedangkan bagian lainnya berupa kolam air yang merendam tiang-tiang pancang pondasi terminal sehingga memberikan kesan bahwa ini adalah terimal penumpang terapung….Keren sekali.

Taman dan kolam disisi kanan departure hall.

Di ujung taman dan kolam, aku memasuki sebuah gedung yang berfungsi sebagai check-in area. Seperti pada taman di luarnya, check-in area ini tampak tinggi dan luas. Jajaran konter check-in memanjang hingga bilangan tiga puluh di salah satu sisi hall. Sementara konter ‘Total Baggage Solution” berwarna oranye siap membantu setiap penumpang me-wrapping bagasinya untuk mengamankannya selama proses loading & unloading bagasi ke lambung pesawat.

Check-in area.

Aku bergegas menuju ke waiting room setelah mendapatkan boarding pass, melewati sebuah koridor sempit dengan sisi kiri jendela kaca menghadap taman dan sisi kanan tertutup oleh triplek proyek pengerjaan ruang fungsional. Di ujung koridor, tepat berhadapan dengan iPORT shop, aku dibelokkan ke kiri menuju commercial zone. Beberapa toko pakaian seperti POLO atau coffee shop macam Starbucks ada di area ini.

Commercal zone di departure hall.

Aku mulai memasuki waiting room, berkursi tunggu hijau, berkarpet pola abu-abu, dilengkapi dengan musholla, executive lounge, smoking area, toilet, charging area, LCD TV dan free internet counter. Di beberapa spot disediakan photospot.

Waiting room.
Salah satu spot foto di waiting room.

Dan akhirnya, sore itu aku meninggalkan Ahmad Yani International Airport melalui  gate 2A.  Itulah cerita singkat eksplorasiku mengenai bandara kebanggaan warga Semarang.

Silahkan berkunjung ke Kota Atlas dan nikmati keindahannya.

Kisah Selanjutnya—->

Citilink QG 144 dari Jakarta (HLP) ke Semarang (SRG)

Rute penerbangan QG 144 (sumber:

Yeaaaa….Aku mendapatkan business trip akhir pekan. Seperti biasa, aku selalu mensiasati tugas kantor untuk tetap bisa menyalurkan hobby andalan….Yes, eksplorasi. Tugas pelatihan Jum’at dan Sabtu, akan kusambung dengan extend hingga Ahad dalam perjalanan gratisan ini.


Itulah kota tujuanku kali ini. Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport menjadi titik tolak dan Ahmad Yani International Airport menjadi titik mendaratku.

Bos : “Don, saya belum dapat orang untuk menghandle training di Semarang. Kamu bisa ga ya, kalau akhir pekan ini pergi ke Semarang?. Mendadak sih Don, sorry sebelumnya”.

Aku: “Hhmmhh (pura-pura mikir), boleh lah pak (sok jual mahal, padahal mau bingiiitttzzzz)

Bos: “Kamu berangkat Kamis sore, pulang Sabtu sore, nanti biar tiket diurus orang Marketing Support”.

Aku: “Siap, Pak”.

Setelah pembicaraan selesai, secepat kilat kutelpon staff Marketing Support yang dimaksud.  Aku minta kepulanganku di extend hingga Ahad sore. “Biar akomodasi hari Ahad aku yang tanggung, tapi tiket pulang tetap kantor yang bayar”, seruku padanya yang disusul dengan konfirmasi “OK, Pak Donny”.

Wah senangnya hatiku….Jalan-jalan lageeeeee.

Pagi itu, aku masih bekerja seperti biasa hingga tengah hari. Setelah menaruh beat pop hitam kesayangan di rumah, aku berangkat menuju Halim. Tak jauh, hanya 25 menit dari landmark tempat tinggalku, Terminal Bus Kampung Rambutan.

Aku tiba di bandara sangat mepet dengan boarding time, membuatku berfokus pada memotong panjangnya antrian di konter check-in. Entah mengapa, para calon penumpang yang mengantri di depanku selalu memanggil teman-temannya ketika sudah berada di depan konter, membuat jengkel karena banyak penumpang yang mengantri dibelakangku bisa otomatis menyodok antrian….Parah.

Aku mendapatkan tiket tepat sepuluh menit sebelum boarding time. Itulah….Aku tak lagi berfikir mendokumentasikan setiap sesi di Halim Perdanakusuma

Alhamdulillah, selamat dari keterlambatan.

Aku memasuki gate 6 dengan nafas cepat karena khawatir tertinggal penerbangan. Tak sempat mendinginkan keringat, panggilan penerbangan itu tiba. Tanpa sempat duduk, aku segera bersiap diri menuju Semarang sore itu.

Waiting room Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport.
Mengantri boarding di gate 6.

Citilink menjadi daftar maskapai ke-12 dari 28 maskapai yang pernah kunaiki. Bangga bisa menikmati penerbangan maskapai berwarna korporat hijau itu. Warna yang melambangkan tiga makna yaitu young-fun-dynamic. Inilah anak dari maskapai kenamaan Garuda Indonesia. Dan yang lebih membanggakan adalah terpilihnya Citilink dalam daftar The 20 Best Budget Airline for 2019 versi Skytrax.

Pemandangan keren, ya. Hanya perlu berjalan kaki dari gate 6 menuju ke pesawat.
Wooow….tepat di kaki pesawat.
Lihat ACnya, hingga berkabut begitu….Dingiiiiin.

Seharusnya aku duduk di bangku 23A, persis di window seat.

Seorang Ibu: “Mas, bangkunya tuker ya. Saya pusing kalau tidak dekat jendela”.

Aku: “ Oh silahkan Ibu, tidak apa-apa”, hmmmh perlahan kumasukkan Canon EOS M10 ku, tak ada gunanya kupegang, aku tak bakalan bisa meng-capture indahnya bumi dari bangku bernomor 23C.

Duduk di aisle seat.
Linkers….Inflight magazine milik Citilink.

Perjalanan menempuh jarak 400 km ini ditempuh dalam waktu 50 menit. Jadi ini adalah penerbangan singkat yang sangat tanggung untuk dibuat tidur. Lebih baik, aku menyusun itinerary dadakan dari beberapa referensi yang kudapat serta menyusun anggaran perjalanan.

Sore itu perjalanan sungguh berat karena sepanjang pantai utara Jawa penuh dengan awan yang membuat penerbangan penuh turbulensi. Kufikir semua penumpang terdiam karena memikirkan hal yang sama….Hahaha. Sementara seorang pramugara terus berpegangan pada bagasi kabin untuk menahannya terlempar karena turbulensi. Senang tapi menegangkan. Aku sendiri selalu berserah diri kepada Yang Maha Kuasa ketika melakukan penerbangan.

Begitu leganya, ketika suara lembut pramugari mengarahkan segenap penumpang untuk bersiap mendarat. Memasuki kota Semarang, cuaca berubah cerah dan pesawat mulai langsir dengan lembut dan akhirnya….Touchdown Semarang.

Oh itu, bentuk bangunan baru Ahmad Yani International Airport.
Terimakasih Citilink.

Pelatihan yang ditugaskan oleh kantor masih berlangsung esok hari dan rehearsel pelatihan sudah diwakilkan oleh rekanku yang datang dari kantor cabang Surabaya sejak pagi tadi. Dia memilih menggunakan kereta dari Surabaya menuju Semarang. Jadi, aku tak perlu terburu waktu menuju ke hotel setelah mendarat.

Seperti biasa, aku akan mengeksplore gerbang wisata Kota Semarang ini…..Yes, Ahmad Yani International Airport.

Kuy lah….

Kisah Selanjutnya—->

Citilink QG 125 from Solo (SOC) to Jakarta (HLP): Back into Capital City’s Routines

<—-Previous Story

Citilink QG 125 flight path (Source:

It was already past one o’clock when I finished in paying for lunch menu, however, I was blown away by the taste of Nasi Gudeg Komplit and Durian Juice at Javenir restaurant where I stopped by. Lunch session finally ended my adventure in Solo

Two and a half hours before the flight….

Leaving the restaurant, I waited for an online taxi in front yard when Javenir was full of visitors, several cars were queuing up to entering parking area. Five minutes in waiting, I saw a black Toyota Avanza on a road side while turn its hazard lamps on, noticed the vehicle’s license plate, I waved at the driver who looked confused. Knowing my whereabouts, he turned high beam on as a sign he understood.

Airport, Sir!“, I sat next to him while confirming destination.

Ok, Sir….Oh, sorry, I was hesitant for taking Sir Donny. Usually, people who leave Javenir are carrying souvenirs. Sir Donny doesn’t seem to be carrying anything ”, he started to open a conversation.

Oh, I just went there to do a survey for my office’s event, Sir. There isn’t intention for buying souvenirs“.

No wonder. Where is Sir Donny going back? ”, he understood that I intended to leave Solo.

Jakarta, Sir“.

The conversation intently continued for next twenty minutes until taxi arrived at airport’s drop-off zone.

There wasn’t much time left….

After cashly paying taxi, I immediately rushed. Showing my e-ticket and ID card to aviation security, completing an initial screening process, I managed to enter departure hall. My gaze swept over the rows of check-in counters in search of an LCD with a Citilink QG 125 displaying in it. I found it in a corner of row and without hesitation I started queuing.

A few minutes later, I easily got my boarding pass. This time, I won’t enjoy the beauty of flight because I have to sit in column B seat…. Yups, that was the middle column. Leaving check-in counter, initially I smoothly went through second screening process. However, an aviation security officer asked me to take out all electronic devices in my backpack, put it on a tray which they had prepared. I myself am not worry, because I didn’t feel that I have done anything wrong and of course this was still in my own country. I just feel amazed by safety standard of domestic flights at Adi Soemarmo International Airport.

As expected, screening process went straightforward without any problems. I walked towards boarding gate to wait for the plane to arrived.

Half an hour from boarding time….

I took time to do Dzuhur and Asr Prayers in a time at prayer room and spent remaining time fot consolidating with Marketing Conference’s Head of Event Division in Jakarta. I conveyed some important notes regarding my survey results and added Javenir possibility for being a strong candidate for destination.

By sending report via email prior to check-out from Amaris Hotel Sriwedari this afternoon, it means that my survey trip and report were simultaneously completed….Wow, It was good, this free trip has done, the report was also finished….Yuhuuu.

To my surprise, coordination by telephone took so long untul boarding call had interrupted it. I ended the conversation and immediately headed for boarding gate. After checking my boarding pass and ID card, I rushed through aerobridge following other passengers who had previously entered the cabin.

That was Citilink QG 125 using Airbus A320.
To aerobridge.

Boarding was over a while after I sat on seat 21B. Aircraft began to move and cabin crew began to busy in demonstrating flight safety procedures. After being in a perfect position at the end of runaway, plane really took off and left the beauty of Solo City.

Not wanting to be busy reading Linkers, Citilink’s inflight magazine because I had read it during Jakarta-Solo flight a day before yesterday, I chose to sleep and wait until the plane arrived in Jakarta for about 50 minutes later.

The twin-jet Airbus flied 500 km with a cruising altitude of 26,000 feet and a speed of more than 800 km/h. Without turbulence, I fell asleep and felt comfortable in riding Citilink QG 125. For some reason, my heart feels safety when using Citilink’s services. Is it because a suggestion that Citilink is a subsidiary of Garuda Indonesia Airways, the best airline in this country?….Ah, I don’t know….

“Flight attendants, please prepare for landing!”….

The announcement from flight captain made me wake up and prepared for landing at Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport.

Landing at the capital’s second airport is the most enjoyable thing, because we would go down using manual stairs and felt a sensation when under the giant feet of iron bird. It was rare to be able to get a special moment like that.

Smoothly landing @ Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport.

Welcome to Jakarta….

Time to get back into capital’s busy work routine with no end.

Alternative for flight tickets from Solo to Jakarta can be searched on 12Go or the following link:

Citilink QG 126 from Jakarta (HLP) to Solo (SOC)

Flight route Citilink QG 126 (source:

Becoming a committee chairman during college….It’s normal.

Then went on to become Committee Chairman for office events….Also it’s common.

Both of them were dizzy and tiring.

Well, this is different….

If you are told to be Committee Chairman at office,but its content program are traveling and culinary. Have you?…..Hahaha.

Yiiyyyy, this was my story….I experienced it….It was real and fun. This was my story when I agreed to become Chairman of the Marketing Conference Committee at my office. So….Let’s be happy, let’s having fun !.

As Head of Committee, I was obliged to conduct a field survey before actual event was held. I did it three months before the event was started. Now, I was going to do a survey with Deputy Chairman of Committee to destination city of the event….Solo.

On Sunday afternoon, with only a small backpack, around 1:30 p.m., I used an online taxi service to Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport to catch a “green airline“. My plane would fly on 16:00 hours, so I have enough time lag, about two hours before boarding.

That afternoon was the start of national long holiday, Sunday afternoon was my departure, Monday was still a working day but I was allowed to didn’t work at office and the day after tomorrow was a national holiday. In next three days, I would not waste time in doing survey for event purposes, as well as conducting city exploration.

Arriving at Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport.
The boarding pass to Solo was ready.
Sweet Sit while reading “Linkers” inflight magazine.

My job was very easy this time. Not far from: room survey and food test at Swiss-Belinn Saripetojo Solo, survey of Jaladara tourist train, meeting with Artcoustic Band, survey some historical places, determining where to hunting the best souvenirs and of course, finding and tasting the best culinary in “Batik City“. to be designated as culinary tourism destinations….Wow, cool.

I couldn’t imagine how enjoyable this trip was, because I didn’t need to spend a penny, all costs would be paid by my office. But this time, my Deputy Chairman who was from Bandung, his name was Rahadian, was an aerophobic, so he insisted on choosing to use train from Bandung to Solo. So, the scenario was, I would arrive in Solo this afternoon, while Rahadian would follow me on next day to hotel.

I myself arrived at Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport at two pass fifteen minutes in afternoon, taking time to get around to get to know the airport. I just checked-in half an hour later.

Walking on Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport’s apron had always been a memorable thing for me. I could proximity enjoy the plane which I was about to board right from its giant iron legs. Not infrequently, other large aircraft passed right next to plane tail so elegantly but still leave behind the noise which was generated by its two jet engines.

At exactly on 16:00 hours, I sat in window seat which numbered 18F. Moment of sitting in window seat, for me was a planned activity which I prepared before flying. So that seat I would definitely get. Beautiful scenery in the sky is the reason.

The afternoon flight went well, there wasn’t significant turbulence. Because the sky was so clear, two volcanic faces in Java land could be seen very clearly. While Alto Cumulus could be found along this flight route.

Beautiful mountain.
Cotton tub in the sky.
Is that Mount. Merapi?
Solo Touchdown.
Parking at apron which was owned by Adi Sumarmo International Airport.

The Airbus A320 twin jet was traveling at 305 mph over a distance of 371 miles in just 55 minutes. Quick flight which was beautiful.

On 17:12 hours, “The Green” wheel touched Adi Sumarmo International Airport run-off very smoothly.

Thank you Citilink. Time to explore Solo.

Alternatives to plane tickets from Jakarta to Solo can be found at 12Go or the following link:

Next Story—->

Citilink QG 145 from Semarang (SMG) to Jakarta (HLP)

Citilink QG 145 flight route. Source:

Titan treated me to lunch before arriving at hotel. A portion of Pecel 1* rice near Public Senior High School 1 Semarang. Then he also supplied me with typical Semarang Presto 2* Milkfish to take back to Jakarta. Wow, he was my kind friend.

Before actually checking out, Titan, who was curious about how I chose cheap lodging, he came with me to dormitory room. He paid close attention to dormitory room and its sleeping capsules. “Great Donny, can you sleep in a capsule like this?“, he said with a smile. “When abroad, I did the same thing, Titan. That’s why I can travel at a low cost”, I replied in a whisper.

Toyota Calya in orange metallic color, picked me up at Sleep & Sleep Capsule. Simultaneously, I said goodbye to Titan to leave Semarang. Thank you Titan.

On 15:25 hours, I arrived at the airport. Without further ado and exploration, I hurried over to check-in counter. I was only forty-five minutes from boarding time. Less crowded counters allowed me to finish check-in process in fifteen minutes and finally my boarding pass was in my hand….Nice.

I continued to focus on heading to waiting room quickly. I was only thirty minutes away from flight. And exactly fifteen minutes before boarding, I reached waiting room and sat down with gasping. Not long, after enjoying the beauty of waiting room, A call from ground staff to got ready to fly echoed. Now, I was preparing at Gate 3A to enter aircraft cabin.

Ticket to Jakarta.
Citilink QG 145’s cabin interior. Sat on seat number 10A.

Now I was sitting on seat which matched with its number on boarding pass. I was getting ready to go to Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport, which was 394 Km from Ahmad Yani International Airport. I would fly with Airbus A320’s flying casings with a maximum altitude of 26,000 feet, with a speed of 520 mph and a travel time of 53 minutes.

During boarding process, I continued to enjoy the beauty of Ahmad Yani International Airport’s new passenger terminal from plane window. Seen some planes were back and forth coming and going on left side of plane which I was riding. The sky was cloudy, a sign that I should be prepared for a little turbulence right after take-off.

The time when had been waiting arrived, the plane was already getting ready on runway and waiting for permission to spur its jet engine into air. I was just busy in reading Citilink’s inflight magazine, i.e Linkers. Plane slowly began to advance and showing overall shape of airport from end to end. Beautiful of Ahmad Yani International Airport.

Wings Air’s ATR aircraft.
Which destination was that Air Asia to ?.
Terminal building along with ATC of Ahmad Yani International Airport during take-off.

Before breaking through thick clouds above, this flight quickly showed the beauty of Semarang’s north coast. Combination of dark clouds with orange sunlight which penetrated between clouds, combined with blue sea with the creeping of ships around port….Hmmhh, a very authentic Semarang.

The vibrations began to be felt when plane wanted to stabilize its flying altitude. But after that, sky returned clean and revealed its beauty from a height. That afternoon, I didn’t want to close my eyes and mised that amazing sky show.

Semarang north coast….Wouww, awesome.
The sun version of sky and the sun version of sea …. Beautiful isn’t it ?.
Pilots were very adept in dodging clouds….Smooth flight.

Flight incredibly felt short. Citilink began to get down above capital sky. Land of Bekasi was very dense. Several city icons were clearly visible from above. Patriot Candrabhaga Stadium, which I visited during President Cup match between Bali United and Semen Padang FC, just for seeing Irfan Bachdim’s figure closer.

While another view was LRT line which was being built along Cikampek toll road, it looked very beautiful. That was the path which almost I have taken every day throughout my profession as a salesman in capital city.

Patriot Chandrabhaga Stadium was visible from a height.
LRT line which was currently under construction.

Citilink QG 145 landed at Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport very smoothly. As usual, passengers would get off and walked at apron area to main terminal building. I rushed to conveyor belt to pick up luggage and then went home using an online motorcycle taxi.

Get off the plane in apron area.
Several visitors were waiting for Apron Free Shuttle Bus. I prefered to walk..

Many beautiful flights with Citilink. Thank you Citilink.

Alternatives for flight tickets from Semarang to Jakarta can be searched on 12Go or the following link:

Exploring Ahmad Yani International Airport

I started this free business trip, very suddenly and equipped myself sufficiently. The most important thing was, my lovely tool wasn’t left behind….None other than black Canon EOS M10. Apart from supplies, an itinerary was never arranged before leaving. In the next four days, I will be an explorer who played as I pleases.

When Citilink started to take-off and leaving Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport, I never thought anything about Ahmad Yani International Airport. My memory is still the same about it. Simple, not big, a waiting room which is directly face to face with plane muzzle when it’s parking. Those are memory sheets which neatly arranged in my brain cabinet. However, several years ago, Ahmad Yani International Airport was playing a role in taking off for the first flight in my life.

Oh apparently…..

It’s different, it’s amazing“, I muttered when I peeked through plane window when Citilink QG 144 was taxiing towards the apron.

It’s true, Ahmad Yani International Airport which have IATA code “SRG“, has transformed itself into a super elegant airport. I was dropped off in parking lot, next to Lion Air plane. Stepping under giant wing, main terminal building looked like a stretch of glass windows which showing off large pillars inside. Solar light appeared to perfectly penetrate the entire room in glass building.

Let’s entering the terminal building.

Asphalt on airport vehicle lane still looked very black and smooth, a sign that this route was recently operated. Road markings which stuck to asphalt were still perfectly white. The terminal wall was still a light beige.

A. Arrival

I entered arrival hall corridor towards baggage claim area. The floor was still shiny and reflected the lights in a regular pattern, glass room on left was still under construction status, while corridor right side had several toilets, lifts and a prayer room in operation. Several shelves containing shoe flower pots were beautify room corners.

Corridor towards baggage claim area.
Baggage claim area.

Some baggage service counters of several airlines still appeared to be closed, maybe the airlines concerned weren’t operating yet at this terminal.

After going through baggage claim area, a row of information provider counters have been prepared, such as Tourist Information Center, BP3TKI, money changers and TRAC car rental companies. Meanwhile, between main building and road for in and out of the airport are separated by a stretch of water. Yes, I was currently in a floating terminal which covering 7 hectares area which was built on a swamp.

The exit area is under a canopy corridor and framed by whitewashed steel beams. This corridor connects arrival hall and commercial zone of airport. The existence of a pool, umbrella shade with chairs under it and a garden planted with medium tall trees with a patterned distribution make exit area appearance is very neat. Here is where the pick-up await their guests arrival or relatives who have just landed.

Exit gate.
Park area.

Once past exit gate, there was a photospot area with background of President Joko Widodo who is riding his onthel bicycle. Followed by existence of toilets, nursery rooms, money changers, prayer rooms and ATM areas.

Musalla after exit gate.
Corridor with a line of ATMs from several banks.

Airport digital clock screen showed 17:09 hours, when I entered commercial zone. Two predominantly green customer service desks appear parallel to exit gate. Meanwhile, black and red waiting benches circle every main pillars in terminal building and several of them line up in several empty walls. Several photo spots are located in building corners, while departure and arrival flight information LCD are in the middle zone so that it is easily accessible to all passengers and visitors.

Customer service counters.

Commercial zone area was already occupied by several well-known brands such as X-Side Eat, A&W, Kukomart, Bank BNI, Eaten Kopi Tiam and other brands.

Exiting commercial zone building, I was greeted by a double corridor separated by a four-wheeled vehicle lane. This is taxi zone and drop and pickup zone. This corridor looks neat with round poles and spandex roofs. Meanwhile, under the shade, waiting chairs are arranged along corridor. I myself chose taxi transportation mode to downtown, considering that this was a business trip which all costs were paid by office where I work.

B. Departure

Three days later, I returned to this airport to return to capital city. Online taxi dropped me off at same place where I left the airport when I arrived on the first day. I set foot in drop and pickup zone then rushed to find check-in area inside of terminal building.

Arrived in drop and pickup zone.

Entering commercial zone, I just continued through it, many prospective passengers seemed to be relaxing in this area, either in public area or eating food at several coffee shops. As soon as I left commercial zone, I entered a transparent roofed area with steel pillars with two LCD check-in information screens, while on right side there was a wooden deck with number of palm pots on it, while the other part was a pool which soaked terminal piles, it was giving a impression that this is a floating passenger terminal …. Very cool.

Garden and pool on right side of departure hall.

At the end of garden and pond, I entered a building which served as a check-in area. As in garden outside, this check-in area looks tall and wide. Thirty check-in counters stretches on a hall side. Meanwhile, “Total Baggage Solution” counter is ready to help each passenger for wrapping their luggage to secure it during loading & unloading process in plane hull.

Check-in area.

I rushed to waiting room after getting my boarding pass, passing through a narrow corridor which in its left side is glass window which facing a garden and the right side is covered by plywood of a functional space project. At the end of corridor, facing iPORT shop, I turned left into commercial zone. Several clothing stores such as POLO or coffee shops like Starbucks are in this area.

Commercal zone in departure hall.

I started to enter waiting room which have green waiting chairs, carpeted in gray patterns, equipped with a prayer room, executive lounge, smoking area, toilet, charging area, LCD TV and free internet counter. In some spots, a photospot was provided.

Waiting room.
One of photo spots in waiting room.

And finally, that afternoon I left Ahmad Yani International Airport through gate 2A. That was short story of my exploration in an airport which Semarang residents were proud of it.

Let’s visit Atlas City and enjoy its beauty!.

Citilink QG 144 from Jakarta (HLP) to Semarang (SRG)

Flight route QG 144 (source:

Yeaaaa …. I had a weekend business trip. As usual, I always made a strategy for my office duties assignments in order to keep my main hobby….Yes, exploration. After my training assignment for Friday and Saturday, I would extend my trip to Sunday in this free trip.


That was the city which I was going to this time. Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport was my starting point and Ahmad Yani International Airport was my landing point.

Boss: “Donny, I haven’t got anyone to handle our training in Semarang. Can you do that? You must go to Semarang this weekend!. It’s suddenly Donny, I’m sorry before”.

Me: “Hhmmhh (I pretend to think), it’s okay sir

Boss: “You go on Thursday afternoon and back on Saturday afternoon, let Marketing Support staff buy your tickets.

Me : “Yes, Sir”.

After our conversation was over, I immediately called the Marketing Support staff. I asked for my return ticket to be extended until Sunday afternoon. “I’ll be responsible for accommodation cost on Sunday, but my return ticket is still paid by office“, I said to her, then be followed by her confirmation “OK, Mr. Donny“.

Wow, my heart was happy….Traveling again.

That morning, I was still working as usual until noon. After saving my favorite black “beat pop” (beat pos is a brand of Honda motorbike) at home, I went to Halim. Not far, only 25 minutes from a landmark where I stay near it, Kampung Rambutan Bus Terminal.

I arrived at the airport very close with boarding times, causing me to focus on the length of queues at check-in counters. For some reason, passengers who was queueing in front of me always called their friends when they were in front of the counter, it was very annoying, because many passengers who are queueing behind me could automatically overtook the queue….It was bad.

I exactly got the ticket on ten minutes before boarding time. Because of it…. I no longer think about documenting every my session at Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport.

Alhamdulillah, I wasn’t late.

I entered gate 6 with a quick breath because fearing of missing my flight. Not having time to cooled off my sweat, the flight call arrived. Without having time to sat down, I immediately got ready to fly to Semarang that afternoon.

Waiting room in Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport.
Queueing up for boarding in gate 6.

Citilink is on 12th airline list of 28 airlines which I’ve ever ridden. Proud to be able to enjoying a flight from this airline which its corporate colour is green. The color symbolizes three meanings, i.e young-fun-dynamic. This is subsidiary of the famous airline in Indonesia i.e Garuda Indonesia. And surely more proud when Citilink was selected in the list of “The 20 Best Budget Airline for 2019” by Skytrax.

Cool view, huh. Only needed to walk from gate 6 to the plane.
Wooow….Right at under plane.
Look at the air conditioner, so foggy….Cold.

I should have sat on seat 23A, right in the window seat.

A Woman : “Sir, can I swap seat with you. I get dizzy when I’m not near the window”.

Me: “Oh, It’s okay mom“, hmmmh slowly I entered my Canon EOS M10 camera to my bag, I wouldn’t use it during flight, I won’t be able to capture beauty of the earth from plane seat number 23C.

Sit in the aisle seat.
Linkers… .Inflight magazine belonging to Citilink.

This 400 km trip was taken in 50 minutes. So this was a very short flight and very short time too for sleeping. Better, I compiled an impromptu itinerary from some references which I got and compiled a travel budget.

That afternoon, my journey was really tough because north coast of Java Sea was full of clouds which made my flight was full of turbulence. I thought all passengers were silent because of thinking the same thing….Hahaha. Meanwhile, an air crew continued to hold on to cabin baggage to save him from throwning off due to turbulence. Happy but thrilling. I myself always surrender to “The Almighty” when I fly.

So relieved, when soft voice of flight attendant directed all passengers to get ready to landing. Entering Semarang CIty, weather turned sunny and plane started to smooth landing and finally….Semarang Touchdown.

Oh that, Ahmad Yani International Airport new building.
Thank you Citilink.

The training which was assigned by office was still ongoing tomorrow and training rehearel had been represented by my colleague who came from Surabaya branch office since this morning. He chose to use train from Surabaya to Semarang. So, I didn’t have to rush to hotel after landing.

As usual, I would explore tourist gate of Semarang City….Yes, Ahmad Yani International Airport.

Come on, guys….