Second Chance to India: Air Asia AK 39 from Kuala Lumpur (KUL) to Kochi (COK)

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Air Asia flight route AK 39 (source: flightaware).

Going to India always has a thrill in a side of my heart. The provocation of irresponsible information sometimes succeeds in making the guts tremble.

Gusts of news ranging from security factors, culinary hygiene, scam variations, and other gripping things began to cloud my mind that afternoon.

Therefore, before leaving for India, for five days I warmed my guts in Kuala Terengganu and Kuala Lumpur, hoping that by leaving them I would be able to carry courage. But that afternoon it seemed as if I was still building up the courage from zero again.

In the continuation of my adventure, India would be the prelude to my main destination, i.e. the Middle East. Why was that?…. The only reason was that India was always giving many chances to get cheap tickets to the main tourist city in the Arabian Peninsula, i.e. Dubai. In addition to tickets, India also provided a variety of starting points to jump into that city.

As for my adventure history, after New Delhi and Agra two years earlier, this time I chose another point of departure, i.e. Kochi, an exotic tourist destination in southwest India.


I enjoyed the soft texture of white rice at Quizinn by RASA after 24 hours of not tasting this idol’s food. The white rice at that time also represented the last Ringgit I had, starting the next day I was using Rupees.

Five minutes before the Air Asia Ak 39 check-in desk opened, I finished eating white rice with the last piece of fried egg.

As I stated above, instead of getting excited, my chest was beating fast…” Oh India, please make peace with my adventure this time”, I calmed my heart.

Rising from my seat in a corner of the food court on the 2M floor, I carried my favorite blue backpack. Stepping up to the Departure Hall on the 3rd floor.

“It turned out that the queue was long….”, my confidence to become the first queue fell.

The contortions of the queue, which was dominated by Indians, kept me in the bloated queue. After all, I remained calm, there was still a long way to the flight, still four hours away. I started taking out the zipper bag to prepare documents, i.e. passports, hotel booking confirmations in India, tickets to and from India, and free Indian e-Visa sheets.

“Do you have a Visa?”, the check-in desk staff firmly asked me.

“This is Miss”, I handed over all the documents I had prepared.

“Was Indonesia to India enough with e-Visa, Sir?” That female officer asked her senior colleague.

That senior staff confirmed and that female officer finally printed the boarding pass for me.

The first stage was over, I rushed to the International Departure Gate which was heavily guarded by several Aviation Security. In the front queue, there weren’t a few prospective passengers who were being held back due to carrying too much cabin baggage. In addition to Aviation Security, several Air Asia airline ground staff closely monitored passengers who cheated by carrying excess cabin baggage.

For me?….. It was easy, I pass through the gate without checking. Even with the inspection, I would still pass, because I had weighed the entire load of my backpack before heading to the check-in desk….Easy, only 6.5 kilograms.

“Where is the direction to gate L14?”, I asked myself.

I continued along the long corridors until I descended an escalator which at the bottom was already blocking several columns of the screening gate.

As usual, I always took off my shoes when I pass through the screening gate, it was all because I would feel lazy if I had to repeat the screening process when my shoes rang the screening door.

I easily pass it….

Now I only needed to continue through the remaining corridors to reach gate L14.

Let’s hunt for boarding passes.
Thanks, God….
One of the corridors in the International Departure Hall is KLIA2.
Those are the directions to the Air Asia AK 39 departure gate.

A little after seven in the evening, I arrived at the gate in question.

“Hhmmmhhhh….An hour and a half to boarding”, I sat on a chair outside the waiting room which was still tightly closed.

I decided to perform the prayer and filled up drink bottles at the free water station. And in the remaining time, I just sit waiting until the waiting room door opens an hour before the flight.

Luckily while waiting, my boredom was dampened by the cute behavior of a little Indian toddler whose behavior was so adorable.


Waiting in the waiting room, I was again stunned by a large group of Hindu congregation. From the all-black uniform worn, I could identify the congregation as coming from the Sabarimala Ayyappa Temple, located in the State of Kerala, India.

The peculiarity of the Indian Hindu congregation was that they do not use footwear. Some Hindus in India believed that not using footwear was a form of respect for the Gods.

Dressed in black and Lungi*1) was also the religious appearance of the group. I had to sit mingled in the waiting room with their group.

While the view in the glass window was a perfectly parked Airbus A320 Twin Jet aircraft, dominantly white with a blue-red color combination and bearing the tourism promotion jargon “Sarawak More to Discover”.

Waiting patiently for it to end…

Boarding calls for Air Asia flight AK 39 filled the airport ceiling.

I immediately got up and prepared my passport and boarding pass to pass the final inspection of prospective passengers before entering the cabin. Ahhh….I couldn’t wait.

At half past nine I started boarding…..

Inside the waiting room Gate L14.
That’ was AK 39.
Passing the aerobridge to the aircraft cabin.
My favorite Airline.
Cabin situation while hunting for a seat.
Look at those Indian citizens…..Do you want to go to India or not?

Entering the cabin of the small-body aircraft, I looked for seat number 11E. On the next 3 hours and 40 minutes of flight, I would sit in the middle column, making it difficult for me to capture beautiful portraits of the earth.

When the boarding process was over, in my row there was only me and one of the Hindu congregation. Therefore, I decided to move to an aisle seat to get relief from the 3,000 km flight.


To my surprise, when I opened the Travel 360 inflight magazine, I found a self-portrait of a travel influencer that seemed familiar to me. I was very familiar with his surname….Groves.

I made sure it was a beautiful traveler from Aussie whom I had known a year earlier in Samosir, Eloise Groves. He once told a story under the Naisogop waterfall that he had a brother named Jackson Groves who was a travel influencer. Seeing the similarity in the facial expressions of the figure in the inflight magazine I was reading with the figure that often appears on Eloise’s Facebook page, I’m 100% sure it was her big brother.

And it was true, later I would get confirmation from Eloise that it was her sibling after sending a short message through the Facebook messenger application when I arrived in India.

Trying to close my eyes after flipping through Travel 360, I tried to sleep. But I didn’t sleep. That was how I was, never completely fell asleep every time I sat on the plane.

That was Jackson Groves in Air Asia’s Inflight magazine.
Arrive at Terminal 3 Cochin International Airport.
Let’s explore the airport!

Finally, the awaited time has arrived….

At one o’clock in the morning, Air Asia AK 39 landed at Cochin International Airport, a magnificent airport in the State of Kerala in southwest India.

Thank God….

Now I was even further away from home.

Kochi which was nearly 9,000 km from Jakarta.

Let’s explore….What was in Kochi?

To get flight tickets from Kuala Lumpur to Kochi, you can search for them on 12go Asia Asia with the following link:

Next Story—->

Description of the word:

Lungi*1) = A long piece of cloth that is wrapped around the waist and is a typical Indian dress.

Kesempatan Kedua ke India: Air Asia AK 39 dari Kuala Lumpur (KUL) ke Kochi (COK)

<—-Kisah Sebelumnya

Jalur penerbangan Air Asia AK 39 (sumber: flightaware).

Berangkat ke India selalu saja menyematkan debar di sebuah sisi hati. Provokasi informasi tak bertanggungjawab terkadang sukses membuat gentar nyali. Hembusan kabar mulai dari faktor keamanan, kehigienisan kuliner, variasi scam, serta printilan mencekam lainnya mulai menggelayuti pikiran sore itu.

Oleh karenanya sebelum bertolak ke India, selama lima hari aku memanaskan nyali di Kuala Terengganu dan Kuala Lumpur, berharap keluar dari Negeri Jiran bisa menyandang nyali yang gagah berani. Tetapi sore itu seolah-olah aku tetap saja mulai membangun keberanian dari awal lagi.

Dalam kelanjutan petualangan ini, India akan menjadi pintu pendahuluan menuju destinasi utama, yaitu Timur Tengah. Kenapa demikian?….Alasannya hanya satu bahwa India selalu saja mengiming-imingi tiket murah menuju kota wisata utama di Jazirah Arab, yaitu Dubai. Selain tiket, India juga menyediakan variasi titik tolak untuk melompat ke kota itu.

Sedangkan bagi sejarah petualanganku, setelah New Delhi dan Agra dua tahun sebelumnya, kali ini aku memilih titik tolak lain, yaitu Kochi, sebuah destinasi wisata eksotis di barat daya India.


Aku menikmati sekali tekstur lembut nasi putih di Quizinn by RASA setelah 24 jam lamanya tak mencicip makanan idola itu. Nasi putih kali ini sekaligus merepresentasikan Ringgit terakhir yang kumiliki, mulai esok hari aku sudah menggunakan Rupee.

Lima menit sebelum check-in desk Air Asia Ak 39 dibuka, aku usai menyuap nasi putih dengan potongan telur kandar terakhir.

Seperti yang kuungkapkan di atas, alih-alih bersemangat, justru dadaku berdegup kencang…”Oh India, berdamailah dengan petualanganku kali ini”, aku menenangkan hati.

Bangkit dari tempat duduk di sebuah pojok food court di lantai 2M, aku memanggul backpack biru kesayangan. Melangkah ke atas menuju Departure Hall di lantai 3.

Ternyata antrian sudah panjang….”, kepercayaan diriku untuk tiba sebagai pengantri perdana runtuh.

Liuk antrian yang didominasi warga India menahanku di antrian buncit. Toh aku tetap tenang, waktu masih panjang menuju penerbangan, masih empat jam lagi. Aku mulai mengeluarkan zipper bag untuk menyiapkan dokumen, yaitu passport­, booking confirmation hotel di India, tiket menuju dan keluar India serta lembaran free e-Visa India.

Adè Visa kah?, petugas konter check-in bertanya tegas padaku.

Ini Cik”, aku menyerahkan segenap dokumen yang telah kusiapkan.

Indonesiè ke Indiè betulkèh cukup e-Visa, Pak Cik?. Petugas wanita itu  bertanya kepada kolega seniornya.

Petugas senior itu mengonfirmasi dan petugas perempuan itu akhirnya mencetak boarding pass untukku.

Tahap pertama usai, aku bergegas menuju Gerbang Pelepasan Antar Bangsa yang dijaga ketat sejumlah Aviation Security. Di antrian depan, tampak tak sedikit calon penumpang yang tertahan masuk karena terlalu berlebih membawa cabin baggage. Selain Aviation Security tampak beberapa  ground staff maskapai Air Asia mengawasi ketat para penumpang yang curang dengan membawa cabin baggage berlebih.

Untukku?…..Itu mudah saja, aku melewati gate tanpa pemeriksaan. Dengan pemeriksaan pun aku akan tetap lolos, karena keseluruhan beban backpack sudah kutimbang sebelum menuju check-in desk….Enteng, hanya 6,5 kilogram.

Kemana arah menuju gate L14?”, aku bertanya pada diriku sendiri.

Aku terus menelusuri koridor-koridor panjang hingga kemudian menuruni sebuah escalator yang di ujung bawahnya sudah menghadang beberapa kolom screening gate.

Seperti biasa, aku selalu melepas sepatu ketika melewati screening gate, itu semua karena aku akan merasa malas jika harus kembali mengulang screening process ketika sepatuku membunyikan pintu screening.

Aku lolos dengan mudah….

Kini aku hanya perlu meneruskan langkah melalui koridor tersisa demi mencapai gate L14.

Yuks berburu boarding pass.
Salah satu koridor di International Departure Hall KLIA2.
Itu dia petunjuk menuju gate pelepasan Air Asia AK 39.

Sedikit lewat dari jam tujuh malam, aku tiba di gate yang dimaksud.

Hhmmmhhhh….Satu setengah jam lagi menuju boarding”, aku menduduki sebuah kursi di luar waiting room yang masih tertutup rapat.

Aku memutuskan untuk melakukan shalat jamak qashar dan memenuhi botol minuman di free water station. Selebihnya aku hanya duduk menunggu hingga pintu waiting room dibuka satu jam sebelum penerbangan.

Beruntung selama menunggu, kebosananku redam oleh tingkah lucu seorang balita cilik India yang tingkahnya sangat menggemaskan.


Menunggu di ruang tunggu, aku kembali tertegun dengan sebuah rombongan besar jama’ah Hindu. Dari seragam serba hitam yang dipakai, aku bisa mengidentifikasi jama’ah itu berasal dari Kuil Sabarimala Ayyappa yang terletak di Negara Bagian Kerala, India.

Kekhasan dari jama’ah Hindu India tersebut adalah tidak menggunakan alas kaki. Beberapa pemeluk Hindu di India memang percaya bahwa tidak menggunakan alas kaki adalah bentuk penghormatan kepada para Dewa.

Berbaju dan ber-Lungi*1) hitam juga menjadi penampilan religius rombongan tersebut. Mau tak mau aku harus duduk berbaur di ruang tunggu bersama rombongan itu.

Sementara pemandangan di jendela kaca adalah terparkir sempurnanya pesawat Airbus A320 Twin Jet dominan putih dengan kelir kombinasi biru-merah dan bertuliskan jargon promosi pariwisata “Sarawak More to Discover”.

Menunggu dengan penuh kesabaran usai sudah….

Panggilan boarding untuk penerbangan Air Asia AK 39 memenuhi langit-langit bandara.

Aku segera bangkit serta mempersiapkan passport dan boarding pass demi melewati pemeriksaan akhir calon penumpang sebelum memasuki kabin. Ahhh….Aku sudah tak sabar.

Jam setengah sembilan aku mulai boarding…..

Di dalam waiting room Gate L14.
Itu dia AK 39.
Menelusuri aerobridge menuju kabin pesawat.
Maskapai langganan dan idaman.
Suasana kabin saat berburu kursi.
Lihatlah warga-warga India itu…..Kamu pengen ga sih ke India?

Memasuki kabin pesawat berbadan kecil itu, aku mencari bangku bernomor 11E. Dalam penerbangan selama 3 jam 40 menit ke depan, aku akan duduk di kolom tengah, membuatku tak leluasa untuk menangkap potret indah bumi.

Ketika proses boarding usai,  di barisku hanya ada aku dan salah seorang dari rombongan jama’ah Hindu itu. Oleh karenanya, aku memutuskan pindah ke aisle seat untuk mendapatkan kelegaan dalam perjalanan udara sejauh 3.000 km tersebut.


Begitu terkejutnya aku, ketika membuka lembaran Travel 360 inflight magazine, aku menemukan potret diri sosok travel influencer yang rasanya tak asing di mataku. Aku sangat familiar dengan nama marganya….Groves.

Sudah kupastikan itu adalah saudara bule cantik asal Aussie yang kukenal  setahun sebelumya di Samosir, Eloise Groves. Dia pernah bercerita di bawah air terjun Naisogop bahwa dirinya memiliki saudara laki-laki bernama Jackson Groves yang merupakan seorang travel influencer. Melihat kesamaan raut muka atas sosok yang ada di dalam inflight magazine yang sedang kubaca dengan sosok yang sering muncul di dalam laman Facebook milik Eloise, aku yakin 100% itu adalah saudaranya.

Dan benar, nantinya aku akan mendapat konfirmasi dari Eloise bahwa itu benar saudara kandungnya setelah mengirimkan pesan singkat melau aplikasi facebook messenger ketika aku tiba di India.

Mencoba memejamkan mata usai membolak-balik Travel 360, aku berusaha tidur. Tetapi sesungguhnya aku tak benar-benar terpejam. Begitulah aku, tak pernah sempurna terlelap setiap duduk di selongsong terbang.

Itu dia si Jackson Groves di inflight magazine milik Air Asia.
Tiba di Terminal 3 Cochin International Airport.
Jelajah bandara yukkk !

Akhirnya waktu yang ditunggu tiba juga….

Pukul satu dini hari, Air Asia AK 39 mendarat di Cochin International Airport, sebuah bandara megah di Negara Bagian Kerala di sebelah barat daya India.


Kini aku semakin jauh saja dari rumah.

Kochi yang berjarak darat hampir 9.000 km dari Jakarta.

Yuk kita eksplore….Ada apa saja di Kochi?

Untuk mendapatkan tiket penerbangan dari Kuala Lumpur ke Kochi, Anda bisa mencarinya di 12go Asia dengan link sebagai berikut:

Keterangan kata:

Lungi*1) = Sepotong kain panjang yang dililitkan di pinggang dan merupakan pakaian khas India

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