SCAM….Something Real in India

Hotel Staff: “Go to New Delhi Railway Station platform 1 floor 1!“, a short answer was spoken by beautiful staff who still looked busy in accepting traveler from various nations.

Me: “Thank you, honey Ms”.

Oh yes, looking for the nearest dormitory from MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) station is a habit which has been in me.

I started to open GoStops Delhi Hostel’s door and passed a few disadvantaged citizens. It was touched when the sun’s rays were the only thing which could help warm them who were still asleep curled up on an old foam mattress which I couldn’t know how they got it.

300 meters later I arrived at Delhi Gate Metro Station. Passing a X-ray gate every time when I entered MRT station in New Delhi made me feel safe while using train on its track.

Let’s see inside of subway station in New Delhi….This is Indira Gandhi Airport Metro Station when I first time arrived in India.

Going through Delhi Metro Violet Line and then transferring to Yellow Line at Kashmere Gate Metro Station, so at third station I arrived at New Delhi Metro Station.

Arriving at final destination, I had to move between two modes of train which weren’t integrated. Leaving clean and well-maintained New Delhi Metro Station to New Delhi Railway Station which is more than just dirty. The distance between them is only around 450 meters.

Walking 6 minutes, I arrived in front of New Delhi Railway Station.

From a connecting bridge between platforms, I noticed that Indian Railways officer sprayed water on railroad track. I thought they were so disciplined to reduce dust rate in air, it turns out some time later I knew that they were cleaning railroad tracks from human waste …. # unique.

Upss….The incident arrived:

Scammer: “Where will you go, Sir?”

Me: “Agra.

Scammer: “Let me help you to get the ticket.”

Me: “Oh thanks. Based information from my hotel that ticket counter is on platform 1 floor 1.”

Scammer: “Oh, yes. But It’s Friday. So, the counter is closed. You can get the ticket at left side of this station.

Me: “Oh, OK.

Either “Unknow” or “Stupid“, I followed all his instructions. A handsome young man didn’t accompany my steps, so there wasn’t slightest suspicion in my brain. Amazingly, there was a person at a station gate who seemed to directing me about where ticket sales counter was located. He was obviously directing me to an office at end of road on the left.

Oh, this is a travel agent’s office, not an Indian Railways office“, I thought. I canceled to going up the next step and turned to leave their office. Even though one of them continued to chase me, I smoothly insisted by saying that I would postpone my departure to Agra until tomorrow, so that I could reduce his emotions that seemed to be rising.

Huftt….I was safe now. Second scam which happened to me after the first one which happened in Bangkok at end of 2013.


Relieving which felt doubled because in addition to being able to find International Tourist Bureau ticket sales office on platform 1 floor 1, I also got a bonus for protect mysely in this office from New Delhi’s cold weather that made me feel frozen.

The modest office is beautified with excellent ticket sales officer consulting services for every tourist. So you have to be patient for waiting for your queue number to be called by sales officer because one buyer could consult for about 10-15 minutes, some even more. Not a problem for me, a longer queue time would be better because I didn’t need to be cold in out of office.

Jhelum Express ticket for about USD 2.9 was already in my hand.

Let’s go to Agra….Visiting Taj Mahal….Yuhuuu.

SCAM….Sesuatu yang Nyata di India

Staff Hotel: “Go to New Delhi Railway Station platform 1 floor 1!”, jawaban singkat tertutur dari bibir si cantiq yang masih terlihat sibuk menerima para penginap dari berbagai bangsa.

Aku: “Thank you, honey Ms”.

Oh ya, mencari dormitory terdekat dari stasiun MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) memang kebiasaan yang telah bersifat di diriku.

Aku mulai membuka pintu goStops Delhi Hostel dan melintas beberapa warga yang kurang beruntung. Terenyuh ketika sinar surya satu-satunya yang bisa membantu menghangatkan mereka yang masih pulas meringkuk diatas kasur busa bekas yang entah mereka dapat dari mana.

300 meter kemudian aku tiba Delhi Gate Metro Station. Melewati X-ray gate setiap memasuki stasiun MRT di New Delhi menjadikanku merasa aman selama melaju di jalurnya.

Yuk kita lihat dalaman ttasiun subway di New Delhi…Ini adalah Indira Gandhi Airport Metro Station saat pertama kali aku tiba di India

Menyusuri Delhi Metro Violet Line dan kemudian bertransfer ke Yellow Line di Kashmere Gate Metro Station, maka di stasiun ketiga aku tiba di New Delhi Metro Station.

Tiba di tujuan akhir, aku harus berpindah antar dua moda kereta yang tak terintegrasi. Meninggalkan New Delhi Metro Station yang begitu bersih terawat menuju New Delhi Railway Station yang lebih dari sekedar kotor. Jaraknya antar keduanya hanya sekitar 450 meter.

Berjalan 6 menit, aku tiba di depan New Delhi Railway Station

Dari tangga penghubung antar platform, kuperhatikan petugas Indian Railways itu menyemprotkan air di atas jalur kereta. Kupikir mereka begitu disiplin mengurangi laju debu di udara, ternyata beberapa waktu kemudian aku tahu bahwa mereka sedang membersihkan jalur kereta api dari kotoran manusia….#unique.

Upss….Kejadian itu tiba:

Scammer: “Where will you go, Sir?”

Aku: “Agra.

Scammer: “Let me help you to get the ticket.”

Aku: “Oh thanks. Based information from my hotel that ticket counter is on platform 1 floor 1.”

Scammer: “Oh, yes. But It’s Friday. So, the counter is closed. You can get the ticket at left side of this station.

Aku: “Oh, OK.

Entah “Bego” atau “Dungu”, aku mengikuti semua petunjuknya. Pemuda tampan itu tak menyertai langkahku, sehingga tak ada kecurigaan sedikitpun di otakku. Hebatnya, ada seorang di gerbang stasiun yang kesannya menunjukkan dimana lokasi konter penjualan tiket tersebut. Jelas sekali mengarahkanku ke sebuah kantor di ujung jalan sebelah kiri.

Oh, ini kantor agen travel, bukan kantor Indian Railways”, batinku. Aku batal menaiki anak tangga berikutnya dan berbalik meninggalkan kantor mereka. Walau salah satu dari mereka terus mengejarku, aku bersikukuh halus dengan menyampaikan akan menunda keberangkatan ke Agra hingga esok hari saja, sehingga mampu meredam emosinya yang terlihat mulai meninggi.

Huftt….Selamett. Scam kedua yang menimpaku setelah terakhir menghampiriku di Bangkok di akhir 2013.


Kelegaan yang terasa berlipat karena selain mampu menemukan kantor penjualan tiket milik International Tourist Bureau di platform 1 lantai 1, Aku juga mendapat bonus berlindung dalam kantor itu dari dinginnya terpaan udara New Delhi yang membuatku serasa beku.

Kantor yang sederhana itu dipercantik dengan layanan konsultasi petugas penjualan tiket kepada setiap turis dengan sangat baiknya. Jadi kamu harus bersabar menunggu nomor antrianmu dipanggil petugas karena satu pembeli bisa berkonsultasi 10-15 menit, beberapa bahkan lebih. Tak menjadi masalah bagiku, semakin lama semakin baik karena aku tak perlu kedinginan diluar sana.

Tiket Jhelum Express seharga Rp. 40.000 sudah di tangan.

Yuk ke Agra….Bersih-bersih Taj Mahal….Yuhuuu.