Tokyo Station: Finding Trail to JR Expressway Bus Stop

Preparing to leave Harajuku Station.

A little past two in the afternoon. I started leaving Meiji Jingū via Harajuku Station. I retraced Yamanote Line, turning south through Shinagawa District, then back to north. It covered a distance of fifteen kilometers and costed 200 Yen.

I arrived at Tokyo Station a little past three-thirty in the afternoon and was dropped off at platform number four near Marunouchi North Exit. Maranuochi itself is a business district located in west of Tokyo Station.

I continued down an underground passage and kept looking for directions to get out at exit gate located closest to JR Expressway Bus Stop. Since morning, I have decided to use bus to movimg from downtown to Narita International Airport.

Once down the stairs then I was faced with a long corridor. Right on the wall in front of the last step was a wide yellow signboard. The sign directed me to exit at Yaesu South Exit. That was the closest exit from the JR Expressway Bus Stop. Do you know about Yaesu?….In the opposite direction of Maranuochi then Yaeshu is an area located at east of Tokyo Station.

Location directions in the corridors of Tokyo Station.
Those who don’t want to bring a backpack, please rent a locker.
This is rental locker at Tokyo Station.
Where are you currently?
Automatic ticketing vending machine.

The commercial side of this station is so dominant. Along the underground passage, the station sell locker facilities to passengers. These storage facilities are known as Coin Lockers. This locker type has a rental price which varies from 600 to 1,000 Yen per day.

Along the corridors of Tokyo Station was so crowded. I kept stepping and starting to get disoriented. Unknowingly, I have arrived at Shinkansen Transfer North Gate. Until finally a station staff helped to direct me to the nearest exit. For his services, I finally managed to get out at Yaesu Central Exit.

Yups….Arrived at Yaesu Central Exit.

The time lag for my flight schedule was still long. I also didn’t want to be at the airport too long. So I decided to take a seat in the courtyard of Tokyo Station. I continued to observe the activities of Tokyo residents who seemed very busy. While enjoying the busyness, I consistently opened the skin of guazi and chewed it seed by seed. And because I couldn’t find a trash can, I threw the peel of guazi on the roots of ornamental plants. I didn’t think that an officer to notice my bad behavior. I responded quickly, before he came to me, I showed him the half-filled guazi packaging. Miraculously, he just smiled and nodded. In fact, if he reprimanded me, then I was ready to take that organic trash again.

Guazi skin problem is over….

I got up from my seat and headed for JR Expressway Bus Stop. Arriving at the location, I immediately entered a long queue at the number seven bus platform. Exactly at four o’clock in the afternoon, I boarded JR Bus Kanto which was typical white with blue color.

I handed over 1,000 Yen to the driver, who was very well-groomed and in a tie. After he gave me a receipt, I took the back seat.

Located at JR Expressway Bus Stop.
Let’s got in!

I was getting ready to head to Narita International Airport Terminal 1.

Stasiun Tokyo: Mencari Jejak Menuju JR Expressway Bus Stop

<—-Kisah Sebelumnya

Bersiap meninggalkan Stasiun Harajuku.

Lewat sedikit dari jam dua siang. Mulai kutinggalkan Meiji Jingū melalui Stasiun Harajuku. Aku kembali menelusuri Yamanote Line, memutar ke selatan melewati Distrik Shinagawa, lalu kembali ke utara. Menempuh jarak sejauh lima belas kilometer dan berbiaya 200 Yen (Rp. 27.000).

Aku tiba di Stasiun Tokyo lewat sedikit dari jam setengah tiga sore dan diturunkan di platform bernomor empat di dekat Marunouchi North Exit. Maranuochi sendiri adalah kawasan bisnis yang berlokasi di sebelah barat Stasiun Tokyo.

Aku terus menelusuri lorong bawah tanah dan terus mencari petunjuk untuk mengeluarkan diri di exit gate yang berlokasi paling dekat dengan JR Expressway Bus Stop. Aku memang sedari pagi telah memutuskan akan menggunakan operator bus tersebut untuk berpindah dari tengah kota ke Narita International Airport.

Begitu menuruni tangga maka aku dihadapkan pada sebuah koridor panjang. Tepat pada dinding di depan anak tangga terakhir tersebut terdapat papan petunjuk lebar berwana kuning. Papan itu mengarahkanku untuk keluar di Yaesu South Exit. Itulah gerbang keluar terdekat dari JR Expressway Bus Stop. Apakah kamu tahu tentang Yaesu?….Berlawanan arah dengan Maranuochi maka Yaeshu adalah kawasan yang terletak di sebelah timur Stasiun Tokyo.

Petunjuk lokasi di koridor Stasiun Tokyo.
Yang tak mau bawa backpack, silahkan sewa loker.
Ini dia loker sewa di Stasiun Tokyo.
Dimana posisimu saat ini?
Automatic ticketing vending machine.

Sisi komersil stasiun ini begitu dominan. Sepanjang lorong bawah tanah, dimanfaatkan pengelola stasiun untuk menjual fasilitas loker kepada para penumpang. Fasilitas penyimpanan ini terkenal dengan nama Coin Lockers. Loker jenis ini mempunyai harga sewa yang bervariasi, dari 600 Yen hingga 1.000 Yen (Rp. 80.000 – Rp. 135.000) per hari.

Sepanjang koridor Stasiun Tokyo itu begitu ramai. Aku terus merangsek dan mulai mengalami disorientasi arah. Secara tak sadar, aku telah tiba di gerbang Shinkansen Transfer North Gate. Hingga akhirnya seorang petugas stasiun membantu mengarahkanku untuk menuju gerbang keluar terdekat. Atas jasanya itu akhirnya aku berhasil keluar di Yaesu Central Exit.

Yups….Tiba di Yaesu Central Exit.

Jeda waktu menuju jadwal penerbangan masih lama. Aku juga tak mau terlalu lama berada di bandara. Maka kuputuskan untuk mengambil tempat duduk di halaman Stasiun Tokyo. Aku terus mengamati aktivitas warga Tokyo yang tampak sangat sibuk. Sembari menikmati kesibukan itu, aku secara konsisten membuka kulit kuaci dan mengunyahnya biji demi biji. Dan karena tak bisa kutemukan tempat sampah, maka kubuanglah kulit kuaci itu di atas akar tanaman hias. Tak kusangka seorang petugas memperhatikan kelakuan burukku itu. Aku berespon cepat, sebelum dia mendatangiku, aku menunjukkan kemasan kuaci yang masih berisi separuh itu kepadanya. Ajaibnya, dia hanya tersenyum dan mengangguk. Padahal jika dia menegurku, maka aku sudah bersiap diri mengambil lagi sampah kuaci itu.

Masalah kulit kuaci sudah usai….

Aku beranjak dari tempat duduk dan menuju JR Expressway Bus Stop. Sesampai di lokasi, aku langsung masuk ke antrian panjang di platform bus nomor tujuh. Tepat pukul empat sore, aku menaiki JR Bus Kanto yang khas berwarna putih dengan kelir biru itu.

Aku menyerahkan 1.000 Yen (Rp. 135.000) kepada pak sopir yang bepenampilan sangat rapi dan berdasi. Setelah dia memberikan selembar tanda bayar maka aku mengambil tempat duduk paling belakang.

Berada di JR Expressway Bus Stop.
Ayo naik!

Aku bersiap menuju Narita International Airport Terminal 1.   

Kisah Selanjutnya—->