Deeply Exploring Sentosa

Why do most tourists always post their photos with Universal Studio globe background?. It has become an informal agreement, if you take pictures like that then you have legitimately visited Lee Kuan Yew’s country.

Then have you ever thought about exploring the whole of Sentosa Island?….Yea, one more, all of that was done by walking….Could it?


Have you ever been, Donny?….”Crazy backpacker” like me was asked like that …. Yea, I ever did it….until I got fatigue.

It is my story….How is your story….don’t do it, tiring!

Get off at Harbor Front MRT station, I exit via Vivo Mall. In mall, I tried to didn’t interested with nice goods there or even beauty Singapore’s ladies. Just need to focus on finding a sign which will direct you to Sentosa Boardwalk.

Vivo Mall icon on top floor….from this floor, exit door to Sentosa Boardwalk is already close.

By the way, wait….Do You know? What “Sentosa Boardwalk” is?

Sentosa Boardwalk

If you go to Sentosa Island by bus or car then you willn’t find this floating road. Especially if you ride Sentosa Express monorail or Cable Car….Hmmh, when will I be able to use it?…. hahaha, I ever once… just read it.

Yes …. Sentosa Boardwalk is a 600m long pedestrian path which is made as if it floats on sea to connect Sentosa Island with Singapore mainland….Very cool.

Sentosa Boardwalk starting point.

If Sentosa Boardwalk is for pedestrians, then where is car lane and monorail line to Sentosa Island ?.

Yes, it’s available….You just need to walk off the lane on left of Sentosa Boardwalk, then you will find the both of lane.

That are its lanes….

Street and monorail line towards Sentosa Island.

Because of free cost seeker, so I went to Sentosa Island by….by walk.

A little help by escalator. Even though big portion in this journey is still by walking.

Please, no hurry in walking….yes, fast in reaching destinations isn’t important because you willn’t be able to see many awesome views.

Here is it….results when I was observing on a side of Sentosa Boardwalk decks.

Nice….that’s Harbor Front Port. If you want to get a ferry to Batam, just go there. I hope I can around the world by cruiser ship like that.
Viewpoint in the middle of Sentosa Boardwalk

Automatic Fare Gates at end of Sentosa Boardwalk was covered in cloth, a sign that I didn’t need to pay USD 0,75 to entering Sentosa Island…. I think it was a special promo for something in that day.

Trick Eye Museum

Do you want to go in there?….Just prepare about USD 15.

Entering Sentosa Island gate, greeted by an artificial river opposite museum.

Sentosa Resort World Sign

The walking path led me to entering artificial cave below “Sentosa Resort World” nameplate.

Needed time to take a good photo….Failed many times… had to wait for next monorail to passed again.

Malaysian Food Street

After a long time, I was peevish….Starving began to hit after getting the photo. But I knew, There is Malaysian Food Street after Trick Eye Museum.

There was it….
Don’t think that It is truly street food….No, Itsn’t. Sentosa Island is a place where Singaporeans spend their money….hahaha.

To save money, I suggest filling your drink bottles at free water station next to ticketing counter near Sentosa Island entrance.

Malaysian Street Food exit door which directly faces Universal Studio globe.

Universal Studio

Even though I have been here twice before, I came here again for third time….you wasted your time, Donny….Hahaha.

Sorry, beautiful lady….I got a candid photo.

Many tourists have had enough until here when traveling to Sentosa. So, what are other attraction which located after Universal Studio?

Let’s Explore….

Lake of Dreams

Walking to south from Universal Studio globe, You will find Lake of Dreams. When afternoon, Itsn’t interesting. But if You come at night, this place will present an interesting choreography which combines audio, fire, water and light.

The show is free.…

The Maritime Experimental Museum

It’s right next to Lake of Dreams, here it is:

Heading south pass the pool with many small fountains like this:

Sentosa Merlion

Then it will be clearly seen the brown Merlion statue. This half lion and fish statue is often called as the twin of same statue in Merlion Park. You can follow Sentosa Merlion Tour for USD 13,5 to go to top of the statue from inside and enjoy beauty of Sentosa island from a height of 37m.

At night, there is an audio-laser show with Sentosa Merlion as the object.

The statue will change in color during Merlion Magic Lights Show.

Sentosa Merlion Walk

Behind Sentosa Merlion is a 120-meter Merlion Walk. Pedestrian path with a mosaic theme park concept with fountains along park will spoil your eyes in hot weather of Sentosa Island.

Sentosa Express Beach Station

At end of Merlion Walk, there are two large buildings. A building on left side is Beach Station. Sentosa Express user tourists who will travel along southern coast of Sentosa usually get off here.

Finally tasting Sentosa Express for free when returning from Siloso Beach.

i-Fly Singapore

Well, on right side is i-Fly Singapore building. Everyone who want to play indoor sky diving have to spend USD 66,5.

I can’t play sky diving….Hahaha.

Siloso Beach

Located right on beach, I decided to turn right towards Siloso Beach. Oh yes, if you turn left you will see Palawan Beach and Tanjong Beach. Just use beach tram which operate along coastline if you don’t want to walk!.

Along Siloso Beach Walk, I encountered several Machine Gun Pillboxes. This Singapore defense line was built in 1936-1940 during Second World War.


You need to walk 700m from i-Fly Singapore to Siloso Beach and play as much water as you like there.

Interested ?? try to go around the island!.…definitely fatigue and sunburned….Hahaha.

Membedah Sentosa Island Lebih Dalam

Kenapa kebanyakan turis selalu memposting fotonya dengan latar belakang bola biru Universal Studio?….Sudah menjadi kesepakatan informal, jika sudah berfoto demikian maka Dia telah sah mengunjungi Negerinya Lee Kuan Yew.

Lalu pernahkah Kamu berfikir untuk membedah seisi Sentosa Island ?….Eh satu lagi, semua itu dilakukan dengan berjalan kaki….Sanggup?


Emangnya Kamu pernah, Don?….yee iii lee, “crazy backpacker” kek Guwe ditanya begituan….ya pernah lah….ampe gempor malah….

Nih ceritaku….mana ceritamu….jangan dink, capeeeekkk!

Turun di stasiun MRT Harbour Front, Aku keluar melalui Vivo Mall. Di dalam mall, plis jangan terlena ama barang dagangan atau bahkan ama para amoy yang aduhai itu. Kamu hanya perlu fokus untuk mencari papan petunjuk yang akan mengarahkanmu ke Sentosa Boardwalk.

Ikon Vivo Mall di lantai teratas….dari lantai ini, exit door ke Sentosa Boardwalk sudah deket kok.

Btw, tar dulu….Kamu tahu kan apa itu “Sentosa Boardwalk”?

Sentosa Boardwalk

Kalau ke Sentosa Island naik bus atau travel car maka Kamu ga bakal nemuin jalan apung ini. Apalagi kalau naik monorail Sentosa Express atau Cable Car….Hmmh, kapan ya Aku bisa naik begituan….hahaha, pernah tauk….baca aja deh.

Yes….Sentosa Boardwalk adalah jalur pejalan kaki sepanjang 600 meter yang dibuat seakan mengapung di atas air laut untuk menghubungkan Sentosa Island dengan daratan utama Singapura….Keren yaaaa.

Titik awal Sentosa Boardwalk.

Jika Sentosa Boardwalk untuk pejalan kaki, maka dimana jalan mobil dan jalur monorail menuju Sentosa Island?.

Ya pasti ada lah….Kamu hanya perlu berjalan keluar jalur di kiri Sentosa Boardwalk, maka Kamu akan menemukan jawabannya


Jalan raya dan jalur monorail menuju Sentosa Island.

Karena sukanya gratisan, maka Aku ke Sentosa Island dengan….jalan kaki lageeeeeeee….

Sedikit dibantu escalator. Walau porsi besarnya tetap jalan kaki.

Plis deh, lepasin kacamata kudanya….ya emang sih cepet nyampai, tapi Kamu ga akan dapat view experience yang yahuut.

Nih….hasil ketika Aku mengkol di salah satu deck Sentosa Boardwalk.

Njirrr….itu Harbour Front Port. Kalau mau ke Batam naik ferry di situ, gaes. Do’ain Aku bisa naik kapal pesiar kek gitu ya….
Viewpoint di pertengahan Sentosa Boardwalk

Automatic Fare Gate di ujung Sentosa Boardwalk itu tertutup kain, pertanda bahwa Aku tak perlu membayar Rp. 10.000 untuk  memasuki gerbang Sentosa Island….Ada promo apa sih?

Trick Eye Museum

Mau masuk situ?….boleh siapin aja Rp. 200.000. Aku sih kagak masuk….

Masuk gerbang Sentosa Island disambut sungai buatan berseberangan dengan museum.

Sentosa Resort World Sign

Alur pajalan kaki mengantarkanku memasuki goa buatan tepat dibawah papan nama “Sentosa Resort World”

Mending sekali foto jadi….ini gagal mulu….ya harus nunggu monorail berikutnya lewat lagi.

Malaysian Food Street

Lama-lama sewot juga….kelaparan mulai melanda setelah mendapatkan foto itu. Tapi Aku tahu, setelah Trick Eye Museum itu ada Malaysian Food Street.

Nah ntuh dia….
Lo kire makanan jalanan….ya kagak lah. Sentosa Island kan tempat orang SIngapura buang duit….hihihi

Untuk berhemat, Aku saranin isi botol minuman Kalian di free water station di sebelah ticketing counter dekat pintu masuk Sentosa Island.

Pintu keluar Malaysian Street Food yang langsung berhadapan dengan bola dunia Universal Studio.

Universal Studio

Walaupun sebelumnya sudah dua kali ke sini, tetap aja kesini lagi buat yang ketiga kali….kurang kerjaan lo, Don.

Maaf ya mbak cantik….Kena candid.

Kebanyakan turis sudah merasa cukup sampai disini kala berwisata ke Sentosa. Nah dibelakang Universal Studio ini ada apa aja ya?

Yuk Kita telusuri….

Lake of Dreams

Berjalan ke selatan dari bola dunia Universal Studio, Kamu akan menjumpai Lake of Dreams. Kala siang memang tak menarik. Tapi kalau datang saat malam, tempat ini akan menyajikan pertunjukan koreografi menarik yang megkombinasikan audio, api, air dan cahaya.

Pertunjukannya gratis….

The Maritime Experimental Museum

Letaknya tepat di samping Lake of Dreams, ini dia:

Ke selatan terus melewati kolam dengan banyak air mancur kecil seperti ini:

Sentosa Merlion

Maka akan terlihat dengan jelas patung Merlion berwarna coklat. Patung setengah singa dan ikan ini sering disebut kembaran patung yang sama di Merlion Park. Kamu bisa ikut Sentosa Merlion Tour seharga Rp. 180.000 untuk menaiki patung dari dalam dan menikmati indahnya Sentosa island dari ketinggian 37m.

Saat malam, ada audiolaser show dengan Sentosa Merlion sebagai obyeknya.

Patung itu akan berubah-rubah warna selama pertunjukan Merlion Magic Lights.

Sentosa Merlion Walk

Di belakang Sentosa Merlion tardapat Merlion Walk sepanjang 120 meter. Pedestrian dengan konsep mosaic theme park beserta air mancur di sepanjang taman akan memanjakan mata di tengah teriknya Sentosa Island.

Sentosa Express Beach Station

Di ujung Merlion Walk terdapat dua bangunan besar. Bangunan di kiri adalah Beach Station. Turis pengguna Sentosa Express yang akan berwisata ke sepanjang pantai selatan Sentosa biasa turun di sini.

Akhirnya mencicipi Sentosa Express gratis ketika pulang dari Siloso Beach.

i-Fly Singapore

Nah, disebelah kanan adalah gedung i-Fly Singapore. Kamu yang mau ber-indoor sky diving harus merogoh kocek sebesar Rp. 900.000.

Untung ga suka sky diving….dompet aman, hahaha

Siloso Beach

Berada tepat di pantai, Aku memutuskan berbelok ke kanan menuju Siloso Beach. Oh ya, jika Kamu berbelok ke kiri maka akan menjumpai Palawan Beach dan Tanjong Beach. Gunakan saja beach tram yang melintas sepanjang garis pantai jika ga kuat jalan kaki !.

Disepanjang Siloso Beach Walk, Aku menjumpai beberapa Machine Gun Pillbox. Garis pertahanan Singapura ini dibangun pada 1936-1940 semasa Perang Dunia Kedua.


Perlu berjalan 700m dari i-Fly Singapore menuju Siloso Beach dan bermain air sepuasnya disana.

Tertarik ?? coba deh keliling pulau !….pasti gempor dan kebakar matahari….hihihi.