West Bay….The Origin of Burj Doha which Amazes the World

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Indonesian made noodles was caught when displaying at Abdulla Ali Bumatar mini market.

Indonesian made noodles was caught when displaying at Abdulla Ali Bumatar mini market.

Dinner….Finally I tasted my favorite noodles after two weeks of adventure leaving my hometown. Made the mood for my trip back to top level.

Next day….Near noon but still freezing cold, at ten o’clock in the morning, I started my second day of adventure in Qatar. Take my Karwa Bus subscription which had number 12, I went to Al Ghanim Bus Station. For the third time, I would take a Karwa Bus with a different number.

Here it wass….Karwa Bus No. 76 to West Bay.

Ten minutes later, I was hurtling towards West Bay via Al Corniche Street. Since this is a circular service, I let myself flow with the flow of Karwa Bus. I didn’t get off when bus started to reaching the West Bay area, the bus turned at Al Fundug Street, continued on Omar Al Mukhtar Street, and switched to Conference Center Street, then closed its circular route on Al Corniche Street to return to Al Ghanim Bus Station.

I got off right at the beginning of West Bay area which was near the most famous skyscraper in Qatar, Burj Doha. The bullet-shaped building which was the Best Tall Building Worldwide eight years ago.

Three phenomenal buildings from left to right: Al Bidda Tower, Qatar Petroleum Headquarters and Burj Doha (white).
Burj Doha was closer.

I chose to walk inside of the corniche to feel a sensation of walking under the mighty skyscrapers on the left and the blue Persian Gulf on the right. The sights were truly extraordinary and immeasurable and were still etched in my memory until today.

Making time for lunch.

I started to go deeper into West Bay area, then I passed a road to the left of Burj Doha and I’m completely immersed in many towering skyscrapers of Doha.

Tornado Tower belongs to QIPCO Holding which is engaged in investment and shares.

I arrived at Al Funduq Street and this streets were very busy. The car runs very slowly because the shoulder of the road is used as a parking lot for vehicles. Looking like that parking was still a problem in West Bay area…..Similar to Jakarta, isn’t it?

From left to right: Ministry of Justice Building (white), Al Fardan Twin Building (workspace provider), Woqod Tower for offices (pointed out).
Navigation Tower (Building for offices with adjoining architecture).

In a moment, I was in the heart of West Bay area. Located at the end of Al Funduq Street, which then traffic was directed through country’s protocol streets, namely Majlis Al Ta’awon Street and Omar Al Mukhtar Street.

The left bend is the end of Al Funduq Street.
My photo with background of Palm Tower (offices tower).
Omar Mukhtar Street view towards DECC.

The sun was at its highest when I entered the center of West Bay. Activities in this area were also starting to get busy. A protocol road with five lanes in each segment was starting to become congested with vehicles. I slowly approached DECC (Doha Exhibition & Convention Center) which was the main event venue in Doha.

You need to know, apart from Karwa Bus number 76, West Bay is a business district which can be accessed by Doha Metro Red Line. There are at least two MRT stations in this area, namely West Bay QIC Station and DECC Station.

The entrance to DECC MRT Station is set against the west side of DECC Building.

Before leaving West Bay area, I would briefly visit one of shopping centers in this area which providing ice rink facilities.

Come on!….Seeing for a moment.

Next Story—->

West Bay, Asal Burj Doha Memukau Dunia

<—-Kisah Sebelumnya

Kesayangan kepergok nongkrong di Abdulla Ali Bumatar minimarket.

Makan malam….Akhirnya kucicipi ramen kesayangan itu setelah genap dua minggu berpetualang meninggalkan kampung halaman. Membuat mood perjalananku kembali ke puncak….Hahaha.

Di keesokan harinya, menjelang siang tetapi masih saja dingin menusuk, pukul sepuluh pagi, aku memulai petualangan hari kedua di Qatar. Menaiki Karwa Bus langganan bernomor 12, kutuju Al Ghanim Bus Station. Untuk ketigakalinya, aku akan menaiki Karwa Bus dengan nomor berbeda.

Ini dia….Karwa Bus No. 76 menuju West Bay.

Sepuluh menit kemudian, aku meluncur menuju West Bay melalui Al Corniche Street. Karena ini adalah circular service, aku membiarkan diri mengalir mengikuti alur Karwa Bus itu. Aku tak turun ketika bus mulai memasuki area West Bay, bus berbelok di Al Fundug Street, berlanjut di Omar Al Mukhtar Street, beralih ke Conference Center Street, lalu menutup rute melingkarnya di Al Corniche Street untuk kembali menuju ke Al Ghanim Bus Station.

Aku turun tepat di permulaan area West Bay yaitu di dekat bangunan pencakar langit paling tersohor di Qatar yaitu Burj Doha. Bangunan berbentuk peluru yang pernah menjadi Best Tall Building Worldwide delapan tahun silam.

Tiga bangunan fenomenal dari kiri ke kanan: Al Bidda Tower, Qatar Petroleum Headquarter dan Burj Doha (putih).
Burj Doha lebih dekat.

Aku memilih berjalan di sisi corniche untuk merasakan sensasi berjalan di bawah perkasanya gedung pencakar langit di sisi kiri dan birunya Teluk Persia di sisi kanan. Pemandangan yang sungguh luar biasa tak terkira dan masih terekam di ingatanku hingga kini.

Menyempatkan diri untuk makan siang.

Aku mulai masuk lebih dalam  ke area West Bay, kini aku melewati jalanan di sebelah kiri Burj Doha dan aku benar-benar tenggelam dalam julangan jajaran pencakar langit kota Doha.

Tornado Tower milik QIPCO Holding yang bergerak di bidang investasi dan saham.

Aku sampai di Al Funduq Street, jalanan begitu padat. Mobil berjalan sangat pelan karena bahu jalan digunakan sebagai tempat parkir kendaraan. Sepertinya parkir masih menjadi masalah di area West Bay…..Mirip Jakarta ya….Hahaha.

Dari kiri ke kanan: Ministry of Justice Building (putih), Al Fardan Twin Building (workspace provider), Woqod Tower untuk perkantoran (berujung lancip).
Navigation Tower (Bangunan untuk perkantoran berarsitektur sempal sebelah).

Sebentar kemudian, aku sudah berada di jantung area West Bay. Berada di ujung Al Funduq Street yang kemudian arus kendaraan dialirkan oleh jalur protokol negara itu, yaitu Majlis Al Ta’awon Street dan Omar Al Mukhtar Street.

Tikungan di kiri itulah akhir dari Al Funduq Street.
Aku berlatar Palm Tower (perkantoran).
Penampakan Omar Mukhtar Street menuju DECC.

Matahari berada di titik tertinggi ketika aku memasuki pusat West Bay. Aktivitas di area itu juga mulai ramai. Jalan protokol dengan lima jalur di setiap ruas mulai padat dengan kendaraan. Perlahan aku mendekati DECC (Doha Exhibition & Convention Center) yang merupakan main event venue di kota Doha.

Perlu kamu ketahui, selain karwa Bus bernomor 76,  West Bay adalah distrik bisnis yang bisa diakses dengan Doha Metro Red Line. Setidaknya terdapat dua stasiun MRT di area ini yaitu West Bay QIC Station dan DECC Station.

Pintu masuk Stasiun MRT DECC berlatar DECC Building bagian barat.

Sebelum meninggalkan area West Bay, aku akan mengunjungi sejenak salah satu pusat perbelanjaan di area itu yang menyediakan fasilitas ice rink.

Yukss….Lihat bentar.

Kisah Selanjutnya—->