Star Ferry towards The Hong Kong Observation Wheel

Dark clouds and fog which never thinned in that morning made the air wasn’t quickly warm. Be fidgety of coming rain which could flush Hong Kong any time and of course could cancel my crazy plans on second day.

The last shot at Garden of Stars before leaving it.

Walk through along Salisbury Road which is full of skyscraper building projects.

like streets in Jakarta….

Continuing to saw compass needle direction in right hand and a map in left hand, I continued to find Star Ferry Pier which I knew iw was in left side of my steps.

There are so many double deckers in Hong Kong. In Jakarta at that time there were only 10 units.

Yess, I saw a orange clock tower. That is Hong Kong Clock Tower which is a marker for existence of Star Ferry Pier. I immediately turned left away from busy Salisbury Road.

It was cool…. look like some clock towers in Europe.

Star Ferry Pier gate was visible in front.

Yes, that was…..

Let’s go to that building! Wow, beautiful scenery awaits behind him.

That green-white ship is Star Ferry which is referred to in this article.

You just needed to tap your Octopus Card for entering waiting room in Star Ferry Pier. Ferry fare is USD 0,4 and it would take me to Central Ferry Pier on other side with a distance about 1 km and within 12 minutes.

I was entering ferry waiting room.

No need to long waiting, a ferry came and entered me into it.

“Star Cruises” cruise ship….When do you board into a cruise ship?

12 minutes later, I arrived at Central Ferry Pier on Hong Kong Island.

Central Ferry Pier yard.

The Hong Kong Observation Wheel is a destination outside of my itinerary. The shape is interesting, like Singapore Flyer or London Eye (Ups….hahaha) which makes me reluctant to miss it.

The fare is USD 2,9.

Meanwhile, AIA Vitality Park below it was very crowded by Hong Kong residents on that Friday. Maybe, because they were getting ready to welcome a coming weekend. Young families with their “young children were very happy in playing in a park which was turned into a game and some drinks and food stalls around it.

Oh, beauty of Hong Kong.

Star Ferry menuju The Hong Kong Observation Wheel

Awan gelap dan kabut yang tak kunjung menipis di pagi itu membuat udara juga tak lekas pula menghangat. Was-was terhadap datangnya hujan yang bisa kapan saja mengguyur Hong Kong dan tentu bisa mengancam rencana gilaku di hari kedua.

Jepretan terakhir di Garden of Stars sebelum meninggalkannya.

Menyusuri Salisbury Road yang penuh dengan proyek pembangunan gedung bertingkat.

Kek jalanan Jakarta yak…

Terus melihat arah jarum kompas di tangan kanan dan map di tangan kiri, Aku terus melangkah untuk menemukan Star Ferry Pier yang Kutahu letaknya berada di sisi kiri arah jalanku.

Di Hong Kong banyak banget double decker kek gitu. Di Jakarta kala itu baru ada 10 biji.

Yess, Aku melihat menara jam warna orange. Itu adalah Hong Kong Clock Tower yang merupakan penanda bagi keberadaan Star Ferry Pier. Aku segera berbelok kekiri menjauhi sibuknya Salisbury Road.

Keren yo, Hong Kong Clock Tower itu….macam di Eropa.

Gerbang Star Ferry Pier sudah terlihat di depan.

Nah itu ntuh…..

Masuk yuk ke bangunan itu !. Wah pemandangan indah menanti di belakangnya.

Kapal hijau-putih itulah Star Ferry yang dimaksud dalam tulisan ini.

Hanya perlu men-tap Octopus Card yang kumiliki untuk memasuki raung tunggu Star Ferry Pier. Tarif ferry seharga Rp. 4.500 akan mengantarkanku menuju Central Ferry Pier di sisi seberang dengan jarak 1 km dan dalam waktu tempuh 12 menit.

Aku masuk ke ruang tunggu ferry.

Tak perlu menunggu lama, ferry pun datang dan masuklah Aku ke dalamnya.

Kapal pesiar Star Cruises….Kapan ya naik kapal pesiar?

12 menit kemudian, sampailah Aku di Central Ferry Pier di Hong Kong Island.

Pelataran Central Ferry Pier.

The Hong Kong Observation Wheel adalah destinasi di luar itineraryku. Bentuknya yang menarik mirip Singapore Flyer atau London Eye (Halah…maksain) membuatku enggan melewatkan wahanan ini.

Tarifnya Rp. 40.000.

Sementara AIA Vitality Park di bawahnya sangat ramai dikunjungi warga Hong Kong pada Jum’at itu. Mungkin karena mereka bersiap menyambut datangnya weekend. Keluarga muda bersama anak-anaknya yang masih kecil terlihat asyik bermain di taman yang di sulap menjadi wahana permainan dan beberapa beverages and food stall di sekitarnya.

Oh indahnya Hong Kong.