Sadness at International Mountain Museum

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Mr. Raj nicely prepared a special dish for me. Two bull’s-eye eggs served together with a banana, two layers of toast covered with mango jam and a cup of hot Nepalese tea. While Mr. Tirtha seemed to say goodbye and went home to enjoy his breakfast which made by his wife in his own home and then he would come back to pick me up and go around Pokhara until afternoon.

Precisely on 11 o’clock, he came. Then we were joking for a moment in lobby while waiting for another trio backpackers to appear. One thing that I kept from our conversation last morning that I had to try a Nepalese typical culinary called Nepali Thali.

Yups, time to explored….

This 3 km trip to southeast was only interrupted once when Mr. Tirtha stopped and waiting for me to exchange dollars at a small money changer at Phewa Lake edge.

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15 minutes later, I arrived.

I started to enter a courtyard with a sandy ground base. Dust spread in all directions when cars passed by. Then at a ticket counter in the form of a small stone-patterned building, I got an entrance ticket for 450 Rupee.

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Taking the queue….

It was necessary to pass a special pedestrian path to reach museum’s main building. The path was lined by a row of towering trees but not so shady.

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Let’s walked.

Arriving at front courtyard, a small monument welcomed me. A monument dedicated to Himalayan climbers who never descended again because they had their souls resided in a blanket of Himalayan snow.

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They were called mountaineers.
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The Museum.

Stepping stairs to reached museum front gate, then I was greeted by a simple x-ray gate. In early hallways, museum displayed photographs of world’s iceberg peaks. Also displayed the typical clothes of countries concerned.

Slovenia with several icebergs, namely Triglav (2,864 m asl), Stol (2,236 m asl), Prisojnik (2,547 m asl) and Porezen (1,630 m asl) along with Gorenjska clothes.

Entering next corridor, the museum introduced ethnic diversity throughout Nepal. The tribe name and its distinctive clothes were nicely displayed. It should be noted that this country, which covering no more than 8% of the land area of ​​the Republic of Indonesia, had 126 ethnicities in it.

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Etnis Thakali darEthnic Thakali from Mustang District, Zona Dhaulagiri.

Entering central hall, museum displayed names of Himalayas peaks. The Himalayas alone provide 18 main peaks which challenge hikers from all over the world to climb them.

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Makalu peaks (8,464 m asl) and Lhotse (8,516 m asl).

Finally, at the end, the museum presented heroic stories of the Himalayas conquest by first-class climbers. In this section also described a number of tragedies which they have experienced with their various climbing missions. Very touching and heart wrenching.

Visitation in this museum was ended by walking along second floor towards museum exit gate. Here was a destinations in Pokhara which were eye-opening about Nepal and the Himalayas.

Please stop by if you visit Pokhara.

Next Story—->

Sayatan Hati di International Mountain Museum.

Mr. Raj dengan baiknya menyuguhkan hidangan spesial untukku. Telur dengan dua mata sapi disajikan bebarengan dengan satu buah pisang, dua lapis toast berselai manga dan secangkir teh panas khas Nepal. Sementara Mr. Tirtha tampak pamit dan beranjak pulang demi menikmati sarapan buatan istri di kediamannya sendiri untuk kemudian dia akan kembali lagi menjemputku dan berkeliling Pokhara hingga sore.

Jam 11 tepat, dia datang. Kemudian dengan segarnya kami bercanda sejenak di lobby sembari menunggu trio backpacker lain muncul. Satu hal yang kusimpan dari percakapan kami berdua bahwa aku harus menjajal makanan khas Nepal berjuluk Nepali Thali.

Yups, waktunya berangkat….

Perjalanan 3 km menuju tenggara kali ini hanya terinterupsi satu kali ketika Mr. Tirtha berhenti menungguiku untuk menukar dolar di sebuah money changer kecil di tepian Phewa Lake.

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15 menit kemudian tiba.

Aku mulai memasuki pelataran dengan alas tanah berpasir. Debu menyeruak ke segala arah ketika kendaraan melaluinya. Kemudian di sebuah ticket counter yang berwujud bangunan kecil bermotif batu kali, aku mendapatkan tiket masuk seharga Rp 55.000.

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Ambil antrian….

Perlu melewati jalur khusus pejalan kaki untuk mencapai bangunan utama musium. Jalur yang dibatasi oleh deretan pepohonan yang menjulang tinggi tapi tak begitu rindang.

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Yuk jalan kaki.

Tiba di pelataran depan, sebuah monumen kecil menyambut. Monumen yang didedikasikan untuk para pendaki Himalaya yang tak pernah turun lagi karena telah merelakan jiwanya bersemayam dalam selimut salju Himalaya.

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Mereka disebut mountaineers.
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Minggir….ngehalangin jalan lo….

Menaiki tangga untuk mencapai gerbang depan museum, kemudian aku disambut dengan x-ray gate sederhana. Di selasar awal, museum menampilkan foto-foto puncak pegunungan berlapis es di dunia. Ditampilkan pula pakaian khas negara-negara yang bersangkutan.

Slovenia dengan beberapa gunung ber-esnya yaitu Triglav (2.864 m dpl), Stol (2.236 m dpl), Prisojnik (2.547 m dpl) dan Porezen (1.630 m dpl) beserta pakaian Gorenjska.

Memasuki koridor berikutnya, museum memperkenalkan keanekaragaman etnis di seantero Nepal. Nama suku beserta pakaian khasnya ditampilkan dengan apik.  Perlu diketahui bahwa negara yang luasnya tak lebih dari 8% luas daratan NKRI ini memiliki 126 etnis didalamnya.

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Etnis Thakali dari Distrik Mustang, Zona Dhaulagiri.

Masuk ke selasar tengah, museum menampilkan nama-nama puncak pegunungan Himalaya. Pegunungan Himalaya sendiri menyediakan 18 puncak utama yang menantang para pendaki dari seluruh dunia untuk menanjakinya.

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Puncak Makalu (8.464 m dpl) dan Lhotse (8.516 m dpl).

Akhirnya di bagian akhir, museum mempersembahkan kisah-kisah heroik penaklukan Himalaya oleh para pendaki kelas wahid. Di bagian ini juga, dipaparkan sejumlah tragedi yang dialami mereka dengan berbagai misi pendakiannya masing-masing. Sangat mengharukan dan menyayat hati.

Kunjugan di museum kuakhiri dengan menyusuri lantai dua menuju exit gate museum. Inilah destinasi di Pokhara yang membuka mata tentang Nepal dan Himalaya.

Silahkan mampir ya kalau berkunjung ke Pokhara.