Genting Highlands….Tourist Gem on Titiwangsa Mountain Summit.

Inexperienced to sleep in a room with a Central AC made me didn’t really sleep because of cold. The advantage which I got was keeping myself from welcoming the dawn which was slowly present. At 5:30am, I started bathing in shared bathroom.

Who’s taking a shower?

That were all because of me. Agosto Inn staff were stunned and rushed to prepare a breakfast menu which was actually quite simple at dining table. Forgive me if it made you nervous, miss….Hahaha.

Pouring tea pot, baking white bread, stirring oatmeal and slicing sunkist oranges in a relaxed manner before Srilankans sat at the same table.

Me: “Hai….Hello….Are you from India?”. My first question to them.

Srilankan: “No, We are from Colombo”.

Me: “Oh, Srilanka”.

Srilankan: “Yeaa….Great, you know that”. Broadly smiling and inviting to shaking hands.

Me: “I hope I can go to your exotic country

Srilankan: “Yes….You must go there

You know, how long did I need to realize that hope?….Yup, 5 years later I was present in Colombo. A derfect dream.

45 minutes later, I already rode LRT Kelana Jaya to KL Sentral. I would catch first departure of Go Genting Express Bus at 08:00 hours.

My failure to got a ticket on my first day in Kuala Lumpur wasn’t repeated after a ticket was held before first departure time.

My ticket which including Genting Skyway fare.

Very happy when roar of “The Maroon Red” began to be heard at a corner towards KL Sentral Bus Station which is located on basement floor.

15 minutes before departure. Go Genting Express Bus get ready on its platform.

Bus seats which was full made the driver immediately work in his seat by stepping on gas pedal and then leave KL Sentral in a matter of minutes.

Damn….The first sight was a Chinese descent child who had to pee in front of my eyes. His urine entered perfectly into empty mineral water bottle which held by his mum which is pretty….Hhmmhh. She kept the bottle in a small trunk in front of her chair….I hope you weren’t wrong to take a bottle when you drink, Mam.

As far as 42 km, my eyes enjoyed Karak Expressway views together with Go Genting Express speed. An hour later, the bus slowly approached at Lower Genting Skyway Station precisely at Basement Level 4 (B4). I immediately moved to Genting Skyway Complex level T1 to boarding the cable car.

30 minutes hanging to Genting Highlands Station.
On 9:20 hours, I arrived at Genting Highlands Station which is integrated with First World Plaza. It is located at level 4.

Actually, my expectations to visiting Genting Highlands were just curious, there wasn’t intention to staying there at all because of my limited time to explore. As a result, I only allocated 2 hours to explore First World Plaza.

Because I arrived at First World Plaza on 4th floor, I was doing reverse exploration. Starting from 4th floor and ending on 1st floor. You need to know that what I currently visited was a 4 storey modern mall building.

Nice….The first thing that I did was stop by at a local food and beverage retail store which is very famous in Malaysia, Heng Heng Local Delights on 4th floor. Even though I didn’t know how to bring it home later because of my small backpacks and I am a person who anti-buying baggage planes.

Conventional trip….Still thinking of buying souvenirs….Hahaha

After shopping, I got around myself at Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Adventureland and visiting Jurassic Research Center and taking time to play on PlayTime! Video Games Park which is part of Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Odditorium

After visiting First World Indoor Theme Park on 4th floor, I returned to 2nd floor to visit Snow World.

Do you want to play snow?

I also took time to see Genting Casino which is really greedy because it occupies 2 floors at the same time at First World Plaza. It uses Level 1 and Level 2 for gambling business.

Thin difference: look to lose in gambling or can’t afford to gambling?.

After exploring entire floor of First World Plaza, I decided to return to KL Sentral for exploring Bukit Bintang, which is also a retail and fashion center in Kuala Lumpur.

Preparing return to downtown.

Massive development by 21st Century Fox has turned Genting Highlands into an Asian and even world tourist gem.

For those who haven’t visited yet, please go a few hours to go there.

Genting Highlands….Permata Wisata di Puncak Gunung Titiwangsa.

Tak berpengalaman tidur di kamar berperangkat AC Sentral membuatku tak benar-benar terlelap karena kedinginan. Keuntungan yang kudapat adalah terjaganya diri menyambut fajar yang perlahan hadir. Jam 5:30 aku mulai membasuh badan di kamar mandi bersama.

Siapa tuh lagi mandi?…

Itu semua karenaku. Staff Agosto Inn terhenyak dan tergopoh pontang-panting menyiapkan menu sarapan yang sebetulnya cukup sederhana di meja makan. Maafkan aku jika membuatmu grogi begitu ya, mbak….Hahaha.

Menuang tea pot, memanggang roti tawar, mengaduk oatmeal dan mengiris jeruk Sunkist kulakukan dengan santai sebelum para Srilankan itu merapat ke meja yang sama.

Aku: “Hai….Hello….Are you from India?”. Pertanyaan yang sok tahu.

Srilankan: “No, We are from Colombo”.

Aku: “Oh, Srilanka”.

Srilankan: “Yeaa….Great, you know that”. Tersenyum lebar dan mengajak berjabat tangan.

Aku: “I hope I can go to your exotic country

Srilankan: “Yes….You must go there

Kamu tahu, perlu berapa tahun aku bisa mewujudkan harapan itu?….Yup, 5 tahun kemudian aku hadir di Colombo. Mimpi yang Sempurna….#peterpan.

45 menit kemudian, aku sudah meluncur bersama LRT Laluan Kelana Jaya menuju KL Sentral. Aku akan menangkap pemberangkatan pertama Go Genting Express Bus pada jam 08:00.

Kegagalan mendapatkan tiket pada hari pertamaku di Kuala Lumpur tak terulang setelah tiket tergenggam sebelum jam pertama keberangkatan.

Tiket yang sudah termasuk tarif Genting Skyway.

Girang sedikit ndeso ketika deru “Si Merah Maroon” mulai terdengar di tikungan merangsek memasuki KL Sentral Bus Station yang terletak di lantai basement.

15 menit sebelum keberangkatan. Go Genting Express Bus bersiap di platform.

Bangku yang tak tersisa membuat driver segera bekerja di kursinya dengan menginjak pedal gas dan meninggalkan KL Sentral dalam hitungan menit.

Damn….Pemandangan pertama adalah seorang anak berketurunan Tionghoa yang harus pipis di depan mataku. Air seninya masuk dengan sempurna ke dalam botol air mineral yang dipegang oleh mamanya yang lumayan….Hhmmhh….Canteeekkk. Disimpannya botol itu di bagasi kecil di depan kursinya….Moga ndak ketuker saat minum ya, Mam.

Sejauh 42 km, mata yang menyusuri pemandangan Karak Expressway beriring laju Go Genting Express. Satu jam kemudian, bus perlahan menepi di Lower Genting Skyway Station tepatnya di Basement Level 4 (B4). Aku segera berpindah ke level T1 Genting Skyway Complex untuk menaiki cable car.

30 menit bergelantungan menuju Genting Highlands Station.
Jam 9:20, tiba di Genting Highlands Station yang terintegrasi dengan First World Plaza. Letaknya di level 4.

Sebetulnya ekspektasiku berkunjung di Genting Highlands hanya sekedar ingin tahu saja, tidak ada niatan menginap disana sama sekali karena keterbatasan waktu ngelayap. Alhasil, aku hanya mengalokasikan waktu selama 2 jam untuk mengeksplore First World Plaza.

Karena tiba di First World Plaza lantai 4, berarti aku melakukan eksplorasi terbalik. Dimulai dari lantai 4 dan diakhiri di lantai 1. Perlu kamu ketahui bahwa yang kupijak saat ini adalah bangunan mall modern 4 lantai.

Gokil….Hal pertama yang kulakukan adalah mampir di toko retail makanan dan minuman lokal yang sangat terkenal di Malaysia yaitu Heng Heng Local Delights di lantai 4. Padahal tak tahu bagaimana cara membawanya pulang nanti karena kecilnya backpack dan anti membeli bagasi pesawat.

Jalan-jalan jadoel….Masih kepikiran beli oleh-oleh….Wekawekaweka #geli

Setelah berbelanja, berkelilinglah diriku di Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Adventureland dan mengunjungi Jurassic Research Centre dan menyempatkan bermain di PlayTime! Video Games Park yang merupakan bagian dari Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Odditorium

Setelah mengunjungi First World Indoor Theme Park di lantai 4, aku kembali turun di lantai 2 untuk mengunjungi Snow World.

Mau maen salju?….#gile

Aku juga menyempatkan diri melihat Genting Casino yang sungguh tamak karena menempati 2 lantai sekaligus di First World Plaza. Level 1 dan Level 2 dipakainya untuk bisnis judi itu….#gile

Beda tipis: tampang kalah judi atau gak mampu judi?….#geli

Selesai menjelajah keseluruhan lantai di First World Plaza, kuputuskan untuk kembali ke KL Sentral untuk melakukan eksplorasi Bukit Bintang yang juga merupakan pusat retail dan mode di Kuala Lumpur.

Bersiap pulang kembali ke pusat kota Kuala Lumpur.

Pembangunan besar-besaran oleh 21st Century Fox telah mengubah Genting Highlands menjadi permata wisata Asia bahkan dunia.

Yang belum berkunjung dimari….Monggo silahkan melipir sebentar kesana.