Stay in Altitude….Beauty of Baiyoke Sky Hotel, Bangkok

If I am asked, how many times have you traveled to King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s country?… Ummh 3 times, guys.…Easy first level question.

Then if I am asked, what is the most memorable thing when visiting that “White Elephant Country“?….Tom Yam or its ladyboy (hahaha….kidding), guys….easy answer for second level question.

OKAY.…before entering next question

All of You have knew, how feel when do “crazy traveling” abroad in version of….maybe, normal people will give answer “nothing nice”.

But, this time I was a little showing off….hahaha. Because I save one story of my bourgeois trip to Thailand.

This is the story….What will you do if you are given USD 740 by your boss and you were asked to spend it all for 3 days 2 nights in Baifern Pimchanok’s country?….This is a third level question.

That’s a lot of money. But, many people bring much money for traveling to Bangkok. Waaw.…I’m really tacky. But swear….USD 740 are very much for me.

It will be memorable thing if it can be spent to stay at expensive hotel in Bangkok.

Yes, I finally stayed at Baiyoke Sky Hotel.

Baiyoke Sky Hotel is 309 meters in height and it be 7th highest hotel in the world. So it doesn’t matter if you must to spend USD 110 per night for staying here.

Baiyoke Sky Hotel located in Khet Ratchathewi (Khet means a district), Bangkok Province. Ratchathewi itself comes from name of an empress, namely Phra Nangchao Sukumalmarsri Phra Ratchathewi.

Besides having a Victory Monument as a landmark, Ratchathewi also has famous landmarks namely Baiyoke Sky Hotel which I am writing now.

This hotel is located in a famous area….Its name, Pratu Nam. It also has other well-known destination, namely Pratu Nam Market. You must visit it if you go to Bangkok.

The hotel itself has 2 main towers. Tower I is 151 meters high and is used for Baiyoke Suite Hotels. While Tower II is 309 meters high, it’s used for Baiyoke Sky Hotel

I paid USD 9 to airport taxi driver after he transferred me from Don Mueang International Airport to Baiyoke Sky Hotel.

Before entering hotel’s door, I observed busy trading activities in commercial shops which located on ground floor of Baiyoke Sky Hotel.

Entering ground floor lift, a queue is so long in front of it. I stood in a tail of queue.

Oh Donny….a bumpkin man. A doorman was approaching me, apparently He knew I had just taken queue behind.

He: “Excuse me, Sir….Do you want to stay in or just go to observation deck?”

Me: ” I want to stay sir ”

He: ” Oh Okay, sir … This queue is for observation deck only. You can use that to go to lobby

Me: ” Oh thank you sir “. Hi Donny, please read the instructions (my heart murmured). Then I began to move to other lift with few queue.

The lift finally drove me to lobby.

Classic reception hall.

Finishing check-in process and get a access card. I immediately went to my room in upstair for a short break. There are three lift corridors on the floor where receptionist is located. The first corridor is used to go to exit door on ground floor. The second and third corridors are used specifically for guests towards their rooms and several interesting places in hotel, such as Baiyoke Floating Market, Bangkok Sky, Observation Deck, Stella Palace, Bangkok Balcony, Crystal Grill and Roof Top Bar.

Walked through a corridor to search my room.

I finally entered my room.

For meals, I didn’t need to eat a toast as usual. Because it’snt dormitory.…keep calm, Donny.

Ate as much as you want….

Besides that, you can also eat in a floating market concept. In this case, It’s no water in 75th floor where floating market is located. All buffets are in a boat style and there are traders at each boat.

Because of second tallest building in Bangkok, it will be very disadvantage if you don’t enjoy Bangkok from 360-degree revolving viewpoint in top floor of Tower II.

Scenery fare is about USD 14,8 for public. This time, I can enjoy it for free as a guest guest.

On first night, I went late and 360-degree revolving viewpoint on 84th floor of Baiyoke Sky Tower had stopped spinning. I wasn’t long at revolving roof deck and I decided to get off. I only get this:

Surprised, Peter Parker is very strong. It was 3 days, he hanged at 83rd floor….hahaha.

There were also champion photos of Baiyoke Run Up International (running race up stairs to top of Baiyoke Sky Tower).

I was able to get view of 360 degree-Bangkok view on second night. The 360-degree revolving point made me stunned when saw beauty of Bangkok at night.

Hunting photos in a 360-degree revolving viewpoint.

Baiyoke Sky Hotel also provides a mini museum to display several Buddha statues and artifacts.

Nearby Culinary

Precisely across hotel, you will find Indra Square Shopping Mall. Open from 10am to 9pm, like most shopping malls in general, you will easily find lots of clothes, accessories, souvenirs, shoes and bags which sold through a bargaining process. Many Indian descents become traders here.

Back to culinary, you can find Indra Food Square on top floor.

Want to Shop on the Street?

Along street in front of Baiyoke Sky Hotel presents a night market which attracts hotel guests to visit it. Try to eat Bangkok durian on left front side of hotel !….really nice.

Actually, luxury staying is very nice….hahaha.

Menginapi Ketinggian….Pesona Baiyoke Sky Hotel, Bangkok

Kalau ditanya, berapa kali pernah ngelayap ke Negerinya Bhumibol Adulyadej?….udeh 3x, bang…..Pertanyaan mudah level pertama.

Lalu kalau ditanya, Apa yang paling berkesan ketika mengunjungi Negeri Gajah itu?…...tom yam atau ladyboynya, bang….jawaban mudah pertanyaan level kedua.

OKAY….sebelum masuk question berikutnya

Kamu semua tahu lah, apa enaknya “ngelayap edan” ke negeri orang versi….kacamata biasa aja menjawabnya ”nothing fine“.

Tapi, kali ini Aku sedikit sombong. Karena Aku ternyata menyimpan satu kisah perjalanan borju ke Negeri yang ladyboy nya sangat aduhai itu.

Begini….Apa yang akan Kamu lakukan jika dikasih uang 10 juta dan Kamu diminta menghabiskan uang sejumlah itu selama 3 hari 2 malam di negerinya si super cantik Baifern Pimchanok?…Nah ini nih pertanyaan level ketiga.

Gile lu Don….Uang segitu aja banyak. Pan banyak orang bawa uang segitu buat jalan-jalan disono. Wadaw….Aku norak banget sih. Tapi swearrrrr….segitu buat Aku sangatlah buanyakkkkk.

Uang segitu akan menjadi berkesan tentunya, jika bisa digunakan untuk menginap di hotel mahal di Bangkok.

Yes, Aku nginep di Baiyoke Sky Hotel.

Baiyoke Sky Hotel memiliki tingggi 309 meter dan menjadi hotel tertinggi ke-7 di dunia. Tak hayal jika Kamu perlu mengeluarkan kocek sebesar 1,5 juta per malam apabila mau bermalam dimari.

Hotel yang terletak di Khet Ratchathewi (Khet artinya distrik), Propinsi Bangkok. Ratchathewi sendiri berasal dari nama seorang permaisuri yaitu Phra Nangchao Sukumalmarsri Phra Ratchathewi.

Nah Selain memiliki Victory Monument sebagai landmark, Ratchathewi juga memiliki landmark terkenal yaitu Baiyoke Sky Hotel yang kali ini sedang Kubahas.

Hotel ini terletak di area terkenal….namanya, Pratu Nam. Di sana juga ada destinasi terkenal lainnya yaitu Pratu Nam Market. Kamu harus mengunjungi pasar tersebut jika ke Bangkok.

Hotel ini sendiri memiliki 2 tower utama. Tower I memiliki tinggi 151 meter dan digunakan untuk Baiyoke Suite Hotel. Sedangkan Tower II bertinggi 309 meter, digunakan untuk Baiyoke Sky Hotel

Aku membayar Rp 125.000 (THB 250) ke pengemudi airport taxi setelah Dia mentransferku dari Don Mueang International Airport ke Baiyoke Sky Hotel.

Sebelum memasuki pintu hotel, Kuperhatikan kesibukan aktivitas perdagangan di commercial shops yang terletak di lantai terbawah Baiyoke Sky Hotel.

Mulai memasuki pintu bawah hotel, antrian begitu panjang di depan lift. Aku pun berdiri di ekor antrian.

Oh Donny……Dasar ndeso. Doorman itu menghampiriku, rupanya Dia tahu aku baru saja mengambil  antrian di belakang.

Dia: “Excuse me, Sir….Do you want to stay in or just go to observation deck?”

Aku: “I want to stay sir

Dia:”Oh Okay, Sir….This queue is for observation deck only. You can use that lift to go to lobby”

Aku: “Oh thank you sir”. Baca petunjuk dong Don….Ndeso (Hatiku bergumam). Aku pun mulai berpindah ke lift sebelah yang sepi antrian.

Lift itu pun mengantarkanku ke Lobby.

Reception hall yang bernuansa klasik

Selesai proses check-in dan mendapatkan access card. Aku segera menuju keatas untuk rehat sejenak. Ada tiga koridor lift di lantai tempat resepsionis berada. Koridor pertama digunakan untuk menuju pintu keluar hotel di lantai terbawah. Koridor kedua dan ketiga digunakan khusus untuk tamu menuju kamarnya dan menuju  beberapa tempat menarik di hotel, seperti  Baiyoke Floating Market, Bangkok Sky, Observation Deck, Stella Palace, Bangkok Balcony, Crystal Grill dan Roof Top Bar.

Menelusuri koridor mencari keberadaan kamar.

Aku mulai memasuki kamarku……

Untuk urusan makan, Aku tak perlu mengunyah sepasang toast seperti biasanya. Karena ini bukan dormitory bung….Ayeee

Makan sepuasnya lah biar buncit dah….

Selain itu, Kamu juga bisa merasakan makan dalam balutan konsep floating market. Maksudnya, tidak ada air ya gaes di lantai ke-75 dimana floating market berada. Hanya saja buffetnya berwujud perahu dan ada pedagang di setiap perahunya

Namanya juga Second-Tallest Hotel di Bangkok, akan sangat rugi jika Kamu tak menikmati pemandangan Bangkok dari 360-degree revolving viewpoint di ujung Tower II.

Pemandangan seharga Rp. 200.000 untuk umum, Kali ini Aku bisa menikmatinya secara gratis sebagai tamu penginap.

Malam pertama, Aku kemalaman dan 360-degree revolving viewpoint di lantai ke-84 Baiyoke Sky Tower sudah berhenti berputar. Aku tak bertahan lama di revolving roof deck dan kuputuskan untuk turun. Aku hanya mendapatkan ini:

heran, si Peter Parker kuat banget. Dah 3 hari kek gitu di lantai 83

Terpampang juga foto para juara tiap tahun dari Baiyoke Run Up International (lomba lari menaiki tangga menuju puncak Baiyoke Sky Tower).

Aku baru bisa mendapatkan view kota Bangkok 360o di malam kedua. Putaran 360-degree revolving viewpoint membuatku terpana melihat keindahan Bangkok di malam hari.

Berburu foto di 360-degree revolving viewpoint

Baiyoke Sky Hotel juga menyediakan museum mini untuk mendisplay beberapa arca dan artefak Buddha.

Kuliner Terdekat

Tepat diseberang hotel, Kamu akan menjumpai Indra Square Shopping Mall. Buka dari jam 10 pagi hingga jam 9 malam, seperti kebanyakan shopping mall pada umumnya, Kamu dengan mudah akan menemukan banyak pakaian, aksesoris, souvenir, sepatu dan tas yang dijual melalui proses tawar- menawar. Banyak trader keturunan India mengadu nasib disini.

Kembali ke kuliner, Kamu bisa menemukan Indra Food Square di lantai paling atas.

Mau Belanja di Jalanan?

Sepanjang jalan didepan Baiyoke Sky Hotel menghadirkan night market yang menarik para tamu hotel untuk mengunjunginya. Cobain duren Bangkok tepat disebelah kiri depan hotel deh….maknyussss.

Ternyata nginep mewah itu enak ya bro…..Ahirrr